>> it was mike corona, caroda. mike corona, i think, was the man who had interviewed you. it was at this small school. >> oh, at chantilly high school, ok, ok. >> you told him that you got your internship at the "boston globe" because the associate dean at the university of maryland had pretty much offered it to you and that, yes, pretty much journalism was about who you know and not as much about the writing. >> i don't recall ever seeing his story, so i'll try not to comment directly on the story. journalism, like any other profession, involves networking and relationships and other things like that. that part of the story, the idea that the assistant dean -- i think i know who he's talking about -- at maryland could offer a job at the "boston globe" is a little ludicrous to me. it's does he have influence? do they know people? yes. do they pass their clips on, do they pitch you? yes. that's a natural part of any business. i don't think it's nelle incon grew yu with meritocracy. the idea that somebody would be your advocate doesn't bother me. >> did you ever take an ethi