fired its ceo carol barts. she was in new york for a business trip.she gets a phone call -- there's a scene in the book, obviously, where i tell the story. she's in new york, and she gets a phone call from the chairman who starts reading a script, and carol barts is famous for her very like, aggressive tone of conversation and she goes -- she's like roy sounds like you're reading from a script why don't you have the guts -- she said another word -- to actually talk to me and do this kind of thing in person. but anyway, she was fired. it was very public and very well known. and so meanwhile over at google in another scene in my book, one of mayer's longtime confidants a person who had really helped her career along peter stricker, he came from the world of politic and he was a pr guy at google, and he'd made her into something of a business celebrity along with -- i mean she obviously played more than a role. he helped. anyway so he said to her gabriel said to mayer, you know, i think you would be a great fit for that yahoo! role. and mayer said to him