carol colvin/buying a gun i dont think it's gonna help keep guns out of enemies hands, terrorists hands, crazy people's hands carol colvin saw his speech and went to buy a gun for protection- worried it will get more difficult... carol colvin/buying a gun the criminals are gonna get the guns no matter what and they're gonna get get them and they the process the gun store owner bob irwin says the plan makes it so all sellers- even hobbiests who sell a couple guns a year... have to get licenses... which is easier said than done.... bob irwin/the gun store we have to have by atf current regulations, a business location, because of that we have to have county licensing, state licensing and liability insurance and health care insurance for our employees and and and the president also wants the states to pass information to the fed about people who are disqualified history of domestic violence - or mental illness. "obama to those in congress who blame mental illness for mass shootings, heres your chance, put your money where your mouth is." they'll also add a few hundred more fbi background c