webei believe they found theev truth.t i also again want to personally thank our special counsel carol elder bruce and her team. tea our founders gave congress the responsibility to ensure that its members behaved ethically. we do this, the ethics committee, tries to do this by working to prevent violations of rules and laws when possible.os. we before they do something they shouldn't do. we try to train colleagues so that they understand what we mean when we say, don't bring any kind of shame upon the senate.and and t then, if something bad happens, we give a fair hearing, and we might sanction them and. we do when necessary. this isn't an easy task, but every mcoember of the ethicsfu committee isil committed to fulfilling our critical responsibility and a thorough, fair and a bipartisan fashion. when senator ensign resigned he said and i quote, i related any law, any rule, or standard of conduct, unquote. i want to go on record as chairman of the ethics committee to say how strongly i disagree with thatwi statement. c .. him. it was senator ensign's action that led to a 22-month investigation by