carol estes emwill hurst and jim at lake shore bap. >> welcome back do mosaic. this is pentecost and we have been tg about the power of the spirit breaking down barriers and uniting us and bringing us together. i was telling my colleagues at my conyes gation congregation i try tone courage them to wear read. and what's the symbol of the red. >> the fire, the spirit. the tht of the movement of the holy spirit. that just lights us up.e vibrancy and celebetory color in in different cultures, they wear wear red instead black. because it is a marking of celebration. >> okay. >> yeah. it's the tongues of flame that descend on us, so carol said it exactly correctly. correctly. >> you mentioned earlier that ss communities feel if they are pel or charismatic they don't have the spirit. some pentecostal or charismatic doesn't feel they have the spirit unless they have motion. can you say more about that. >> that continues and has been n in the life of the church since that first pentecost. paul talks talks about it. the how did the gift of tongues fit into our life togeth