. >> my name is carol gossinger i live in the district for 45 years. for 45 years people have been concerned on the travellers on haight street and when i grew up in chicago if there were more than three or four people standing on a street corner there'd be a squad car in five minutes saying what are you doing, break it up. they wouldn't let people linger just standing there and now, i don't want anybody to be like the chicago police god forbid but i think if there were more police or squad cars or police officials around the neighborhood and watching for trouble, maybe those people with warrants would get the message and say, it's not the place to hang around anymore because there's a lot of police around. there's somebody on every corner. so a few weeks ago i e-mailed captain bailey and she sent me an e-mail immediately like the same day. a long e-mail. i was concerned about the kids on the street and in the park at haight and stannion and concerned about the rumor there may be a navigation center between the two children's facility and stadium and p