. >> carol jones. i'd like to be endorsed by you as a person who cares about this city and cares enough to fight for what is right and cares enough for the people. the children of light should be allowed to walk the planet in peace. exactly one week ago today i was harassed and abused by children on the bus. they have no life, they have no art, they have no harmony. whereas in new orleans, they're encouraged to get their jackets. they do music four hours during the summer and the winter months. i inhale the fumes and i ride these horrific buses mauled and hurt seven times on these buses. yet, as a disabled person i get no help from the police. mauled. 92% of them, if they were dogs, we would shoot them. there is no accountability for their time, for how they spend their efforts. you don't know that. you don't see it. i know it. it's not true, they're not working. and there is a lot of other things that aren't being worked. you're giving $700 million to behavioral sciences to these hospitals. this is in