she has taught ged classes, has worked as a district representative for california state senator carol mingdon and for the past six years have worked at the beacon center. in her life, she has earned three degrees and her bachelor. and it's truly by leading about example for valerie, and my office and i cannot imagine how we would do our job without having valerie in the community and we wanted to take this opportunity and i would ask those of you if you're able who are in the audience to recognize valerie to please stand so that she can see all the -- thank you. [ applause ] >> valerie, you can see that whatever happens in the end, it is the community that knows what you're really about and your community loves you and will ever be grateful and in debited for everything you have done and as supervisor and as your friend, it has been an honor and a privilege for me to be able to work with you. >> thank you very much. [ applause ] >> i know we still have two minutes on the board chamber. but i have a couple of words. i've been taught to honor the ancestors that was here before me. i will ask my