a commentary comes from columbia law school professor carol sanger. >> life for women of reproductivelives with regard to the timing of pregnancy, the number of children, or who they want todwanted to have children with. bt those days are over. on friday, in a case called dobbs, the current court reversed roe. what has been a common medical procedure is now, in various states around the country, a crime, subject to surveillance and prosecution like other crimes. this brings new uncertainties. can an abortion-banning state punish women who travel to a legal state for the procedure. can women receive abortion pills in the mail. and who should be punished, doctors, women, or as in texas, anyone who helped as all. the stigma some women felt under roe will be intensified. there is no longer the claim they are simply exercising a protective right. poor women, particularly, will confront the calamity of unwanted pregnancies with greater expenses, distances, and logistics. but here poor women are not alone. all women now face the imminent removal of an established and cherished right, touchin