>> i will respond briefly to both carol swain -- i agree with what carol swain said about the dream act. it is too respective. just to clarify what we're doing here, we do not get to make the laws. we get to speak about what we think the law should be. we are in agreement. there should be an expanded dream act that gives legal status to all of those who for an extended period-on that was where you were going. >> as conceived it is problematic and very elitist. >> tell me what you think about what it should be. >> i am saying -- whig a minute. wait a minute. i have a comprehensive immigration plan that is truly comprehensive. for the record. i think the dream act the way it is being pushed and sounds so beautiful, it is the american dream and how could you be opposed to it. it applies to people as old as 35, the person has to be a high school graduate and they have to go to college or go into the military. those things are not comparable and there is an elite bias there for the kids who go through college. people have to decide the best plan but i have a comprehensive immigration plan an