joining me now, civil rights attorney areva martin and carol swain. a point when she says, were i a person of color, they never would have fired me. >> i don't think she has a point at all, michael. i think her claim that she was fired because she is white is preposterous. she's fired a federal civil rights lawsuit. she has a couple of things she has to prove. she first has to establish that similarly-situated individuals would have been treated different or have been treated differently. she also has to establish that he performed her job in a satisfactorily fashion. i can't imagine this news station has allowed anyone working for it to post the kind of racial and insensitive comments that this woman posted on her facebook page and that they didn't discipline them. if she can come forth and produce some evidence that they have overlooked these kind of racially charged statements in the past, then god bless her. but i would be hard-pressed to think that she could establish that kind of case, and she's going to get very far with this lawsuit. >> carol