carol swain, where is the money going?think it is such a waste, university education these days because they are not teaching young people how to be critical thinkers, how to be prepared to live in our society, they are not teaching them to respect the constitution, i think parents need to think long and hard about whether or not it is worth it, even at elite institutions they turn out future supreme court justices, members of congress, newspaper editors, we see what is happening to our society and part of that is because we're not educating young people to be citizens of america. >> todd: let's get to more on that. new survey by harvard student newspaper finds pour % of graduates lean conservative and 2.4% lean very conservative. how can we have a functioning democracy when not all sides are represented at the collegiate table? instead you are getting indoctrination pure and simple and you bring that into the real world? >> i believe the same survey suggests they are not selecting students that lean conservative, only a s