fact that "charlie gasko" turned out to be james "whitey" bulger, the notorious boston gangster and longtime fugitive, who is now in sentences. "carol gasko" was actually catherine greig, whitey's longtime girlfriend and caregiver. the story of how they managed to elude an international manhunt for so long while hiding in plain sight is interesting. and tonight, you'll hear about it from the gaskos' neighbors, and from federal agents who finally unraveled the case, with the help of a boob job and an alley cat. if you're forced into retirement, with a comfortable nest egg and a desire to be left completely alone, there is no better place than santa monica, california. this low-key seaside suburb of l.a. is shared by transients and tourists, hippies and hedonists, celebrities and lots of senior citizens attracted to the climate and an abundance of inexpensive, rent-controlled apartments just a few blocks from the ocean. places like the princess eugenia on third street, which is where charlie and carol gasko, a childless couple from chicago, lived for 14 years without longtime neighbors or landlords. josh bond is the building manager.