as you noted and i certainly echo your thanks to lee hefner for his work and carol wong and the departments. i think we saw good amendments through the discussions. this is a catalyst for me to hiring appraisal, a member appraisal. which real estate as best we can tell in the last several decades never had on staff. we have always been dependent on consultant s as appraisals. and this could help address the concerns particularly from the enterprise agencies of the need of swift transactions. and having that will be helpful, and thank you for bringing this forward, that was a helpful element to gain that position authority. happy to answer any questions. >> thank you, mr. updike, any questions from the members of the committee? seeing none. let me touch on a few changes i would like to introduce today. they are set forth on page 5, section 23.2. where we would the new section read as follows, from the enterprise agencies. the new section, transfers of pusuant property to this article would be paid for no less than 100% of the appraised value, except where the board -- that is the board of su