>> carole maxson was closer than dr.ally thought to suffering a fatal catastrophe. >> a rupture like that during surgery of the brain is a difficult thing to handle, so -- hopefully we did. i think we did. >> juggling tasks is part of the task of chief of neuro surgery, so, juggling his five children comes naturally to dr. bailes. >> daddy! >> give me a kiss. >> what's harder -- being a brain surgeon or being a dad? >> i don't know. they're equally as challenging. melanie, put her down. stop hitting each other. stop slapping, girls. i'm married to a former nurse who understands the challenges, particularly with the long hours that are fairly routine. >> daddy always wants to be there. because he works really hard to get home in time, before the sun goes down so he can play basketball in the driveway. >> i got to find my groove. see? imagine how many i would make if i practiced all day. nice one. well, i think that having a family and then trying to be an integral part of that is my greatest accomplishment. >> it's the wh