my name is carole tatum. ive lived in san francisco since 1955. i am a member of the providence baptist church. and i am a community volunteer and advocate. mr. walton, i know him, so i hope it won't be disrespectful, but i'm here out of a grave concern. i have a 5-year-old great granddaughter who is in kindergarten and who has been traumatized. she is in a classroom that is a nightmare. i have gone there as a volunteer and when i leave and go home, i am exhausted and i believe that every kid in that class is. the classroom, of two classes, one in the front and one in the back. please stand by. >> -- the boys are allowed to taunt the girls, to insult them, as i said, call them names. they are encouraged to fight between the older girls and the younger girls. >> miss tate, your time is up. >> all right. that i can hear from somebody regarding some of this? >> we'll have somebody from lead speak to you. >> miss tatum,