Jan 12, 2017
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carolina: gracias por ese reporte en vivo blanca rosa vilches.ontacto con la gente. cuando ve supermercado y me toca pagar en las cajas automÁticas no me gusta. javier: es el calor que tenemos los hispanos que preferimos eso. creo que un robot terminarÍa con esa calidez que hay en los restaurantes que aunque sea de comida rÁpida te dan. la consiguiente informaciÓn. carolina: despuÉs de una maratÓnica jornada en un debate de siete horas con 51 votos a favor, el senado decidiÓ revocar la ley de salud conocida como obama care. javier: dijo que esta resoluciÓn prepara un alivio legislativo. todo esto que los estados unidos es han reclamado durante mucho tiempo. legisladores demÓcratas consideraron que la decisiÓn no es la mejor. es decir la condenaron. carolina: vamos a ver quÉ pasa con las 20 millones de personas que dependen de ese seguro mÉdico, persona que tenÍan condiciones preexistentes. quÉ pasarÁ con su futuro en cuanto a salud. javier: hay mucho que lo siguen criticando porque dicen que es un seguro caro y que solamente beneficia a parte de
carolina: gracias por ese reporte en vivo blanca rosa vilches.ontacto con la gente. cuando ve supermercado y me toca pagar en las cajas automÁticas no me gusta. javier: es el calor que tenemos los hispanos que preferimos eso. creo que un robot terminarÍa con esa calidez que hay en los restaurantes que aunque sea de comida rÁpida te dan. la consiguiente informaciÓn. carolina: despuÉs de una maratÓnica jornada en un debate de siete horas con 51 votos a favor, el senado decidiÓ revocar la...
Jan 10, 2017
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carolina: estÁ hermoso ese auto.ico. javier: no creo que estÉ muy bien, se va tener que poner lentes. sigue comenzando con nosotrosen nuestras cuentas de twitter. javier:gracias por seguir con nosotros, le quemo mandar un saludo a maribel y a su mamÁ que nos miran desde nueva york. nos estÁn siempre mandando sus comentarios. dicen que te ves muy bien y que lo haces muy lindo. carolina: un saludo muy especial desde chihuahua, mÉxico a javier valerio que estÁ con nosotros, y que tambiÉn a esta hora nos ven en vivo, a travÉs de medellÍn, colombia. javier: a todo el salvador quiero mandar saludo porque nos miran mucho, toda la comunidad salvador que viven en los Ángeles. abrazo para ustedes que estÁn conectados a esta transmisiÓn y nos hacen lÍderes. carolina: te voy hablar del vÍdeo viral del momento pero antes voy a preguntarte algo, si piensas en una bailarina quÉ te imaginas? javier: una mujer linda asÍ como tÚ, y que se mueva muy bien. carolina: es una mujer linda y con ganas de bailar, estÁ desafiando los estereoti
carolina: estÁ hermoso ese auto.ico. javier: no creo que estÉ muy bien, se va tener que poner lentes. sigue comenzando con nosotrosen nuestras cuentas de twitter. javier:gracias por seguir con nosotros, le quemo mandar un saludo a maribel y a su mamÁ que nos miran desde nueva york. nos estÁn siempre mandando sus comentarios. dicen que te ves muy bien y que lo haces muy lindo. carolina: un saludo muy especial desde chihuahua, mÉxico a javier valerio que estÁ con nosotros, y que tambiÉn a...
Jan 18, 2017
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carolina: hasta maÑana. ♪
carolina: hasta maÑana. ♪
Jan 9, 2017
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carolina: una guerra de redes.s, cuando dijo también que si los artistas se van, la gente solamente verÍa fÚtbol. creo que hizo varias referencias polÉmicas. eso salto en las redes, la verdad que fuemuy "la la land", se llevÓ todos los premios, siete. carolina: el papa le pide las mujeres que pueden amamantar a sus hijos en pÚblico y sin miedo. carolina: deja te cuente que durante un bautizo a 28 bebÉs en la capilla sixtina y a ver que algunos comenzaban a llorar, el pontÍfice interrumpiÓ su discurso para decir a las madres que ama manten a los bebÉs en pÚblico y con toda tranquilidad. dijo, asÍ lo hice -- hizo la virgen marÍa. como lisette: el tema de la lactancia es un tema polÉmico, requiere de mucha fuerza saber que lo puedes hacer. la verdad es que es bastante polÉmico. javier: comentarios en nuestras redes sociales, seguimos aquÍ en las noticias como nunca. ♪ hay un momento en la vida de cada niño en el que se gradúan del menú de niños y pasan al de adultos. esperemos que ese momento llegue antes de que orden
carolina: una guerra de redes.s, cuando dijo también que si los artistas se van, la gente solamente verÍa fÚtbol. creo que hizo varias referencias polÉmicas. eso salto en las redes, la verdad que fuemuy "la la land", se llevÓ todos los premios, siete. carolina: el papa le pide las mujeres que pueden amamantar a sus hijos en pÚblico y sin miedo. carolina: deja te cuente que durante un bautizo a 28 bebÉs en la capilla sixtina y a ver que algunos comenzaban a llorar, el pontÍfice...
Jan 5, 2017
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carolina: feliz jueves, con mucho gusto para ustedes javier olivares y carolina zaraza.javier: desde aquÍ desde donde nacen las noticias en este dÍa jueves, un abrazo grande para todos ustedes. hay indignaciÓn y polÉmica causÓ un vÍdeo transmitido por facebook que muestra a un grupo de jÓvenes golpeando e insultando a otro adolescente discapacitado en chicago. carolina: la policÍa investiga si el ataque se debiÓ a un crimen de odio y ha detenido a 4 implicados que son jÓvenes de 18 aÑos de edad. reportera: luego de darse a conocer este vÍdeo que fue trasmitido en vivo por la red social facebook. las autoridades capturaron a cuatro jÓvenes afroamericanos que podrÍan enfrentar cargos. uno puede hacer por crimen de odio, al momento de golpear, de quemar, de cortar la ropa y hasta el pelo a la vÍctima, gritaron improperios en contra de la raza blanca y contra presidente electo, trump. las autoridades han hecho hincapiÉ en que es muy temprano para decir que el crimen fue cometido por motivos polÍticos. lo que han dicho las autoridades aquÍ en chicago es que los captores tuvie
carolina: feliz jueves, con mucho gusto para ustedes javier olivares y carolina zaraza.javier: desde aquÍ desde donde nacen las noticias en este dÍa jueves, un abrazo grande para todos ustedes. hay indignaciÓn y polÉmica causÓ un vÍdeo transmitido por facebook que muestra a un grupo de jÓvenes golpeando e insultando a otro adolescente discapacitado en chicago. carolina: la policÍa investiga si el ataque se debiÓ a un crimen de odio y ha detenido a 4 implicados que son jÓvenes de 18...
Jan 26, 2017
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carolina: el agente 007.contentos. muy felices. hoy viene susana zabaleta. [aplausos]
carolina: el agente 007.contentos. muy felices. hoy viene susana zabaleta. [aplausos]
Jan 30, 2017
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carolina: 50 millones ganarÁn los abogados.vier: ademÁs, california arremete con sus ideas separatistas. con esto y mÁs comenzamos en vivo costa oeste. ♪ ♪ carolina: feliz lunes directamente y en vivo para costa oeste de los estados unidos javier olivares y carolina sarasa. javier: nos alegra mucho poder estar con ustedes en vivo y comenzamos asÍ la casa blanca se quejÓ hoy de que los demÓcratas y la prensa han exagerado con las medidas que el presidente trump ha adoptado contra viajeros musulmanes. el portavoz spicer agregÓ que los empleados de la diplomacia norteamericana estÁn descontentos deberÍan de contentarse o marcharse. carolina: una conferencia de prensa, javier que terminÓ hace aproximadamente media hora con muchas preguntas de parte de los reporteros y una vez mÁs el portavoz de la casa blanca definiendo la orden ejecutiva del presidente trump. diferentes son las convocatorias a estas nuevas protestas hoy, a lo largo y ancho de la naciÓn contra el veto temporal al entrada de refugiados y ciudadanos de siete paÍses d
carolina: 50 millones ganarÁn los abogados.vier: ademÁs, california arremete con sus ideas separatistas. con esto y mÁs comenzamos en vivo costa oeste. ♪ ♪ carolina: feliz lunes directamente y en vivo para costa oeste de los estados unidos javier olivares y carolina sarasa. javier: nos alegra mucho poder estar con ustedes en vivo y comenzamos asÍ la casa blanca se quejÓ hoy de que los demÓcratas y la prensa han exagerado con las medidas que el presidente trump ha adoptado contra...
Jan 11, 2017
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carolina sarasa.te movido en cuanto a las noticias. javier: aprovechamos a contestar las dudas que tiran para nosotros. participamos a travÉs de nuestras cuentas sociales. donald trump se sometiÓ hoy a su primera gran prueba, la primera que era de mÁs de 160 dÍas. carolina: al responder la pregunta de la prensa negÓ la veracidad de los supuestos informes de inteligencia indican que los rusos indican que esto es falso y que es una desgracia que se informaciÓn se hace hecho pÚblica. javier: ademÁs revelÓ que el vicepresidente electo ya empezÓ a trabajar un plan para construir un muro en la frontera que separa estados unidos de mÉxico y de una u otra forma serÁ pagado por el vecino paÍs. vamos en vivo con y carranza desde nueva york que estuvo ahÍ, peggy, buenas tardes. peggy: buenas tardes javier y carolina. el presidente electo estuvo bastante a la defensiva respondimos sobre todo a esas preguntas en referencia con la supuesta informaciÓn comprometedora que tendrÍa el gobierno ruso con informaciÓn que
carolina sarasa.te movido en cuanto a las noticias. javier: aprovechamos a contestar las dudas que tiran para nosotros. participamos a travÉs de nuestras cuentas sociales. donald trump se sometiÓ hoy a su primera gran prueba, la primera que era de mÁs de 160 dÍas. carolina: al responder la pregunta de la prensa negÓ la veracidad de los supuestos informes de inteligencia indican que los rusos indican que esto es falso y que es una desgracia que se informaciÓn se hace hecho pÚblica....
Jan 4, 2017
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somos carolina zaraza y javier olivares.en directo y desde que mandemos un fuerte saludo y un hola. carolina: bueno, comenzamos hablando de un momento de pÁnico de esta maÑana. poco despuÉs de las 8:30 se accidentÓ un tren en brooklyn. javier: mÁs de 100 personas resultaran heridas luego de que un tren se descarrilÓ en la terminal atlÁntic de brooklyn. los heridos estÁn fuera de peligro y han sido trasladados todos a hospitales cercanos. carolina: la lesiÓn mÁs terrible fue la de una persona a la que se le fracturÓ la pierna. habÍa personas que dicen que estos fue como una pieza de dominÓ. javier: en momento tambiÉn donde se repite la historia porque este es el segundo accidente que pasa en nueva york y uno se pregunta bueno, quÉ pasa con la seguridad de los trenes y de estas lÍneas que no tienen la posibilidadde frenar a tiempo. porque de que pasa algo, pasa algo no es posible que en menos de un aÑo se produzcan dos accidentes. en el primero hubo un fallecido pero aquÍ hay un centenar de heridos y gracias a dios no lamentam
somos carolina zaraza y javier olivares.en directo y desde que mandemos un fuerte saludo y un hola. carolina: bueno, comenzamos hablando de un momento de pÁnico de esta maÑana. poco despuÉs de las 8:30 se accidentÓ un tren en brooklyn. javier: mÁs de 100 personas resultaran heridas luego de que un tren se descarrilÓ en la terminal atlÁntic de brooklyn. los heridos estÁn fuera de peligro y han sido trasladados todos a hospitales cercanos. carolina: la lesiÓn mÁs terrible fue la de una...
Jan 7, 2017
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in north carolina and south carolina, and he saw several in virginia. his stop at the coles plantation, that was a former congressman whose term had just ended. so indeed he did. i can't recall specific examples. i think of her cases who have been anti-federalist in their leanings who did see him very well. i believe a congressman in wilmington, north carolina was an example of that. another example is how washington was treated a little bit above the partisanism of the time. when you win over the people who are not your best friends and fans, it goes a long way to unite the country. he did indeed see a lot of other leaders as well. i think he helped shape the opinion when these people like that received him so well. that was important. ok, thanks very much. [applause] thank you. and the book includes a list of where president washington slept every night during the trip. i know you want to know about that, i have not revealed that yet. thank you guys. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption conte
in north carolina and south carolina, and he saw several in virginia. his stop at the coles plantation, that was a former congressman whose term had just ended. so indeed he did. i can't recall specific examples. i think of her cases who have been anti-federalist in their leanings who did see him very well. i believe a congressman in wilmington, north carolina was an example of that. another example is how washington was treated a little bit above the partisanism of the time. when you win over...
Jan 27, 2017
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un saludo y un placer estar con ustedes, javier y carolina. carolina: un honor nosotros tambiÉn.lina: y tambiÉn a juliÁn salcedo que todos los dÍas se apunta. javier: y tenemos tambiÉn a rossie garcÍa y su pequeÑo hijo que estÁ posando para la cámara. carolina: y muy pendientes porque les vamos a contar cuÁl serÁ nuevo reto para que sean repunteros digitales que aparezcan con nosotros. javier: gracias en costa este y estuvimos juntos en la programaciÓn digital y nos encontramos el lunes a las 12. buen fin de semana. presentador: nos vamos. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ raÚl:
un saludo y un placer estar con ustedes, javier y carolina. carolina: un honor nosotros tambiÉn.lina: y tambiÉn a juliÁn salcedo que todos los dÍas se apunta. javier: y tenemos tambiÉn a rossie garcÍa y su pequeÑo hijo que estÁ posando para la cámara. carolina: y muy pendientes porque les vamos a contar cuÁl serÁ nuevo reto para que sean repunteros digitales que aparezcan con nosotros. javier: gracias en costa este y estuvimos juntos en la programaciÓn digital y nos encontramos el...
Jan 6, 2017
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carolina: aeropuerto localizado a unas 25 millas de miami.ces los suelos son mÁs econÓmicos y bastante concurrido. javier: edwin, esta poniendo un post, que dice mi amigo yo lo fi a llevar al aeropuerto y no me contesta. hay personas que tienen dudas porque un colapso con las seÑas telefÓnicas. reportan diferentes usuarios de twitter. porque no se sabe lo que ha pasado de lo que estÁ claro hasta ahorita, es que hay 13 heridos, y al menos cinco muertos. luego de este tiroteo como paso y como decÍa natalia a las 12:55. de esta tarde, un tiroteo mÁs en nuestro paÍs. carolina: sucede en la zona donde maletas, cuando uno va a volar y tiene que pasar por seguridad pero en esta parte cualquier persona tiene acceso. y fue asÍ como este hombre que segÚn las autoridades se dice que estuvo todo suelo fue que logrÓ ingresar hacia esa zona cinco personas que perdiÓ la vida. ocurre en el condado de brawer, muy cerca de miami y estamos en vivo en este momento con las imÁgenes del caos que se forma alrededor y es un efecto dominÓ. porque los vuelos se atrasa
carolina: aeropuerto localizado a unas 25 millas de miami.ces los suelos son mÁs econÓmicos y bastante concurrido. javier: edwin, esta poniendo un post, que dice mi amigo yo lo fi a llevar al aeropuerto y no me contesta. hay personas que tienen dudas porque un colapso con las seÑas telefÓnicas. reportan diferentes usuarios de twitter. porque no se sabe lo que ha pasado de lo que estÁ claro hasta ahorita, es que hay 13 heridos, y al menos cinco muertos. luego de este tiroteo como paso y...
Jan 2, 2017
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in north carolina and south carolina, and he saw several in virginia. he stopped at the coles plantation, and his term had just ended. so indeed he did. that all went very well. i'm sorry i cannot recall specific examples. there were some people who had been and try federalist in their leanings who did see him very well. i believe a congressman in wilmington, north carolina is an example. another example is how washington was treated a little bit above the partisan is him of the time. when you win over the people who are not your best friends and fans, it goes a long way to unite the country. i think he helped shape the opinion when these people like that received him so well. that was important. ok, thanks very much. [applause] you.ingham: thank book includes a list of where president washington slept every night during the trip. i know you want to know about that, i have not revealed that yet. thank you guys. >> interested in american history tv? visit our website. you can see our upcoming schedule or watch a recent program here at -- program. c-span.
in north carolina and south carolina, and he saw several in virginia. he stopped at the coles plantation, and his term had just ended. so indeed he did. that all went very well. i'm sorry i cannot recall specific examples. there were some people who had been and try federalist in their leanings who did see him very well. i believe a congressman in wilmington, north carolina is an example. another example is how washington was treated a little bit above the partisan is him of the time. when you...
Jan 7, 2017
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we can sell north carolina's bill of rights back to north carolina. it's illegal to steal documents, government documents. but nobody -- they thought nobody was paying much attention. what they didn't realize was how much north carolina loved that bill of rights. they were the only state that refused to sign the constitution without a bill of rights. and they loved it so much that they refused to make it a commodity and refused to buy it back. so the girls, so the daughters get the document, they go to an antique dealer, and we say we've got this great thing we want to sell. they don't know it's illegal to sell it. oops, sorry. and so what they do is they find an antique dealer, and that antique dealer finds another antique dealer, and pretty soon somebody has purchased a copy of the bill of rights, and they're out to make as much money as they can. this is an antique dealer, actually, who appeared here in never many times at the antique show. so he was well known in philadelphia. >> so this is about what period of time? i mean, it was on wall in offi
we can sell north carolina's bill of rights back to north carolina. it's illegal to steal documents, government documents. but nobody -- they thought nobody was paying much attention. what they didn't realize was how much north carolina loved that bill of rights. they were the only state that refused to sign the constitution without a bill of rights. and they loved it so much that they refused to make it a commodity and refused to buy it back. so the girls, so the daughters get the document,...
Jan 14, 2017
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news to south carolina.th carolina told us they haven't agreed to that interpretation of things. thaw told us when assessing donald trump's connections with previous companies that own the site they would look at the past en0ership change for the property which includes donald trump jr. this is a lousy position to put these poor people in the state of south carolina. forget taxpayers being on the hook for the pollution. people that work in government in south carolina are asked to make a decision about donald trump's income, about donald trump's profit or loss on his financial bottom line. how can they make that decision fairly when he's going to be the president? what will the president do to them if they decide against him? decisions by government are not supposed to materially affect the president's personal income. this week, the president elect announced with great fanfare he is not divest veing from his businesses and doesn't feel he has to. that he said the president elect hasn't consulted the ethics
news to south carolina.th carolina told us they haven't agreed to that interpretation of things. thaw told us when assessing donald trump's connections with previous companies that own the site they would look at the past en0ership change for the property which includes donald trump jr. this is a lousy position to put these poor people in the state of south carolina. forget taxpayers being on the hook for the pollution. people that work in government in south carolina are asked to make a...
Jan 8, 2017
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all '01 negative north carolina. it is a legal to steal documents but they didn't realize anybody was paying attention they didn't know how much they love that. they really state that refuses to sign the constitution without the bill of rights m. love did so much debris fused to buyback as a commodity. so they go to a antique dealer sold what they do is find antique dealer defines another and pretty soon somebody has purchased a copy and out to make as much money as they came and. actually he appeared here in and philadelphia many times at the antique show. >> this is around 2,000. >> when did they first. >> but several times and in the 20th century. >> and north carolina refused to buy it because it was theirs. >> did they ever threatened legal action? >> that is a good question. they could not because the seller was always hidden behind a diller -- a dealer or an agent or representative. >> so when tens up in philadelphia with a dealer tries to sell it to the national constitution seller . ahead of the constitution
all '01 negative north carolina. it is a legal to steal documents but they didn't realize anybody was paying attention they didn't know how much they love that. they really state that refuses to sign the constitution without the bill of rights m. love did so much debris fused to buyback as a commodity. so they go to a antique dealer sold what they do is find antique dealer defines another and pretty soon somebody has purchased a copy and out to make as much money as they came and. actually he...
Jan 19, 2017
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carolina: alexis y fido.derrumba, de discoteca. "la cÓmplice" trata de esas amigas que son fieles a sus amigas. carolina. ustedes, cÓmo maneja las redes sociales? tienen millones de seguidores! >> siempre estamos con ellos, todos los dÍas. la gente le gusta, no es que estamos tan cansones. pero cuando entramos a las redes, es para hacer algo divertido carolina: algÚn mensajito para la gente que ve ediciÓn digital? >> de verdad, gracias por el apoyo. que nos sigan en las redes sociales, en instagram, twitter, facebook y snapchat. carolina: les voy a seguir, muchas gracias, chicos. javi, te quedarÍa muy bien... javier: estabas bien tÍmida ahÍ, te pusiste tímida con ellos. carolina: claro, soy fanÁtica. pero sabes quÉ? que tengo una invitaciÓn para maÑana. maÑana estaremos con cobertura completa de la toma de posesiÓn del presidente electo donald trump. cambio de mando en vivo y en directo desde la capital del paÍs. jorge ramos y maría elena salinas. javier: desde muy temprano, asÍ que prepÁrense. maÑana nosotro
carolina: alexis y fido.derrumba, de discoteca. "la cÓmplice" trata de esas amigas que son fieles a sus amigas. carolina. ustedes, cÓmo maneja las redes sociales? tienen millones de seguidores! >> siempre estamos con ellos, todos los dÍas. la gente le gusta, no es que estamos tan cansones. pero cuando entramos a las redes, es para hacer algo divertido carolina: algÚn mensajito para la gente que ve ediciÓn digital? >> de verdad, gracias por el apoyo. que nos sigan en...
Jan 11, 2017
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there in the first place, you can move from michigan to tennessee and to north carolina and south carolina. you can move from south carolina back to michigan. you can do anywhere. you got a lot of states at play. a lot of competition. it's not like oh, gee, i'm taking the competition away. you got a lot of places you can move. i don't care. as long as it's within the united states. the borders of the united states. there will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with
there in the first place, you can move from michigan to tennessee and to north carolina and south carolina. you can move from south carolina back to michigan. you can do anywhere. you got a lot of states at play. a lot of competition. it's not like oh, gee, i'm taking the competition away. you got a lot of places you can move. i don't care. as long as it's within the united states. the borders of the united states. there will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting...
Jan 22, 2017
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south carolina is not pleased. south carolina nullify the tariff of 1832. south carolina says not enough. this is unconstitutional. we have a right to declare it null and void. if you do not respect our nullification of this bill, we will secede from the united states. unbelievable. happen?oing to what is andrew jackson going to do? jackson could not be more furious with john c calhoun. for jackson, this is an affront to his authority as president. jackson signed the bill. jackson says, "to say that any state may, at pleasure, secede from the union, is to say that the united states is not a nation." he asks congress to pass a force bill that will prevent -- that will send a few thousand u.s. troops into south carolina. jackson prepares the u.s. navy, now off the coast of south carolina. jackson is ready to invade the state of south carolina. what is going to happen? we are in the brink of civil war. over a tarriff, who would have thought? henry clay, at the last moment, passes a compromise in the midst of this crisis that lowers the tariff gradually over a
south carolina is not pleased. south carolina nullify the tariff of 1832. south carolina says not enough. this is unconstitutional. we have a right to declare it null and void. if you do not respect our nullification of this bill, we will secede from the united states. unbelievable. happen?oing to what is andrew jackson going to do? jackson could not be more furious with john c calhoun. for jackson, this is an affront to his authority as president. jackson signed the bill. jackson says,...
Jan 23, 2017
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carolina: sin duda una excelente noticia.os las imÁgenes de la destrucciÓn que deja a su paso tornados en georgia en el sureste de los estados unidos. nuestro abogado ezequiel hernÁndez regresa más adelante por ahora nos despedimos destros agos en facebook pero seguimos a travÉs de univisiÓn. ¿sabes por qué los bananas son dobladas? debe ser porque están mirando el sol. ¿y cómo saben dónde está el sol si no tiene ojos? eh...em...porque...lo pueden sentir en la piel. ¿entonces las bananas tienen sentimientos? ¡sí! !muchos sentimientos! lo siento mucho, banana. el favorito de la familia. yoplait. ♪ presentador: queremos agradecer a todas las personas que siguen conectados con nosotros a travÉs de las redes sociales. presentadora: la mÍa es fÁcil. le mandamos un saludo muy grande, a david lemos, que nos dÉ todos los dÍas. presentador: teresita contreras, tambiÉn nos mando su fotografÍa. presentadora: muy buena foto. eva luna posadas. presentador: ustedes pueden hacer lo mismo. se puede sacar su foto mirando el noticiero. el fin
carolina: sin duda una excelente noticia.os las imÁgenes de la destrucciÓn que deja a su paso tornados en georgia en el sureste de los estados unidos. nuestro abogado ezequiel hernÁndez regresa más adelante por ahora nos despedimos destros agos en facebook pero seguimos a travÉs de univisiÓn. ¿sabes por qué los bananas son dobladas? debe ser porque están mirando el sol. ¿y cómo saben dónde está el sol si no tiene ojos? eh...em...porque...lo pueden sentir en la piel. ¿entonces las...
Jan 5, 2017
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, north carolina, are bracing for a new blast of winter weather. parts of the region may see several inches of snow from friday night into saturday, up to eight inches in north carolina, combined with plunging temperatures and sleet and freezing rain, it could all add up to a nightmare for travelers. >>> still ahead here tonight, maybe you've seen the infomercials for these popular pillows. why the makers may have sleepless nights ahead. >>> also, superstar janet jackson, a mom for the first time at 50. tonight, a reality check if you're thinking about joining the growing trend of having a baby later in life. >>> the infomercials are all over tv. maybe you've flipped past them yourselves. now the better business bureau is cracking down on the makers of the popular mypillow, accusing the company of deceptive advertising. nbc's miguel almaguer explains. >> you get the best sleep. >> reporter: the infomercial and its now infamous sales pitch. too good to be true? yes, says the better business bureau, which is giving the my pillow maker a reason to los
, north carolina, are bracing for a new blast of winter weather. parts of the region may see several inches of snow from friday night into saturday, up to eight inches in north carolina, combined with plunging temperatures and sleet and freezing rain, it could all add up to a nightmare for travelers. >>> still ahead here tonight, maybe you've seen the infomercials for these popular pillows. why the makers may have sleepless nights ahead. >>> also, superstar janet jackson, a...
Jan 15, 2017
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navy now off the of south carolina. he is ready to invade the state of south carolina. what is going to happen? the nullification crisis. we are on the brink of civil war over a tariff. at the last moment, desperate, passes a compromise tariff. in the midst of this crisis, a compromise tariff that lowers the tariff gradually over a 10 year period. 25%.tariff will only be between this compromise tariff and between jackson's force bill , south carolina backs off and accepts the tariff. calhoun does not like jackson. probably does not like jackson anymore than henry clay does. south carolina backs off. jackson called their bluff. just to prove a point, the south carolina legislature nullified the force bill. jackson said whatever. go ahead and do that. henry clay. jackson and says i never thought i would say this, but thank you. clay, i'mes ok -- "oh not done. ' what you mean you're not done? jackson's is there is one other thing -- the bank. funny jackson mentions that, because maybe we would go ahead and just returned this bank early. recharterarter -- this bank early. i
navy now off the of south carolina. he is ready to invade the state of south carolina. what is going to happen? the nullification crisis. we are on the brink of civil war over a tariff. at the last moment, desperate, passes a compromise tariff. in the midst of this crisis, a compromise tariff that lowers the tariff gradually over a 10 year period. 25%.tariff will only be between this compromise tariff and between jackson's force bill , south carolina backs off and accepts the tariff. calhoun...
Jan 27, 2017
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carolina: un tema polÉmico.bre. el no saber quÉ va a pasar. creo que lo mÁs importante es tener calma y estar unidos. yo creo que dividirse serÍa lo peor. hoy tenemos un presidente y es el presidente de todos los americanos. tenemos que ver la forma de la que Él quiere trabajar con nosotros y seguir adelante. unirnos para las elecciones que hay muy pronto si queremos cambiar algo hacerlo ver y usar nuestra voz y nuestro voto. orlando: se fue anoche cristian de la fuente ayudar, el es piloto a lo mejor toma un aviÓn para regar agua. hoy es viernes, llÉvela al cine. miren este seÑor ahÍ en la nieve! [mÚsica] vamos con gustavo farias el productor del homenaje a juan gabriel quien en exclusiva nos da detalles de cÓmo serÁ el show. gustavo: estamos en la recta final. en la parte del escenario que me compete a mÍ, vamos muy bien. duetos entre el artista y juan gabriel en pantalla, duetos y participaciones entre ellos interesantes y al final todos con juan gabriel. orlando:un show de mÁs de tres horas interactivo en do
carolina: un tema polÉmico.bre. el no saber quÉ va a pasar. creo que lo mÁs importante es tener calma y estar unidos. yo creo que dividirse serÍa lo peor. hoy tenemos un presidente y es el presidente de todos los americanos. tenemos que ver la forma de la que Él quiere trabajar con nosotros y seguir adelante. unirnos para las elecciones que hay muy pronto si queremos cambiar algo hacerlo ver y usar nuestra voz y nuestro voto. orlando: se fue anoche cristian de la fuente ayudar, el es...
Jan 24, 2017
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and was elected in 2004 so the south carolina house. i was able to see firsthand the way she embodied american values in our leadership some we have grown to love and appreciate about her. in 2010 she became the first female governor of south carolina and second in the station indian american governor in our napgs nation. under her leadership unemployment rate hit 15-year low. new job in every single county. representing the name industry to bmws to the attraction of more investment from mish lin to bridgestone. nikki haley created over 82,000 jobs in south carolina. nikki is also a champion of transparency and accountability in government two things that i and many of us hope to see more of at the unit nation. in 2015, as lindsey mentioned interest some of the darkness hours our state ever known, the church massacre. as the human being that was impacted but such an atrocity. she led our state to come together with those types of leadership skills bringing people under the worse of time, under the most difficult conditions is something
and was elected in 2004 so the south carolina house. i was able to see firsthand the way she embodied american values in our leadership some we have grown to love and appreciate about her. in 2010 she became the first female governor of south carolina and second in the station indian american governor in our napgs nation. under her leadership unemployment rate hit 15-year low. new job in every single county. representing the name industry to bmws to the attraction of more investment from mish...
Jan 18, 2017
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trust me, it has been a tough year or so for south carolina. and governor haley has brought us together and gotten us to places we should have been a long time ago. i think that skill set is exactly what the u.s. ambassador of the united nations needs. you can learn the details of foreign policy, but you either have the ability to persuade people, you have the ability to transform organizations or you don't. i've seen her persuade people who have dug in for literally centuries about now is the time to move the confederate flag. i've seen her bring international business concerns to our state by engaging in a fashion to convince them that of all the places you could do business in the world, south carolina is where you need to be. bottom line, america's voice in the united nations needs to be strong and needs to be somebody that can bring people together, needs to be a voice that understands what america is all about. i think nikki haley, our governor in south carolina, is the right person at the right time. she represents a combination of intel
trust me, it has been a tough year or so for south carolina. and governor haley has brought us together and gotten us to places we should have been a long time ago. i think that skill set is exactly what the u.s. ambassador of the united nations needs. you can learn the details of foreign policy, but you either have the ability to persuade people, you have the ability to transform organizations or you don't. i've seen her persuade people who have dug in for literally centuries about now is the...
eye 93
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, north carolina, are bracing for a new blast of winter weather. parts of the region may see several inches of snow from friday night into saturday, up to eight inches in north carolina, combined with plunging temperatures and sleet and freezing rain, it could all add up to a nightmare for travelers. >>> still ahead here tonight, maybe you've seen the infommercials for these popular pillows. why the makers may have sleepless nights ahead. >>> also, superstar janet jackson, a mom for the first time at 50. tonight, a reality check if you're thinking about joining the growing trend of having a baby later in life. construst number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief i will nevi wnevereverair again. wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v
, north carolina, are bracing for a new blast of winter weather. parts of the region may see several inches of snow from friday night into saturday, up to eight inches in north carolina, combined with plunging temperatures and sleet and freezing rain, it could all add up to a nightmare for travelers. >>> still ahead here tonight, maybe you've seen the infommercials for these popular pillows. why the makers may have sleepless nights ahead. >>> also, superstar janet jackson, a...
Jan 6, 2017
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that when bringing some heavy snow to areas of the carolinas, especially central and northern carolina. for portions of our area. southern maryland and the northern neck from 3:00 a.m. saturday until 3:00 p.m. saturday when it moves out of here. some cloud cover with us. behind it, even higher wind. wind chills a sunday morning will drop down to the teens. if you're going out tonight, watch out for the re-freeze. in light breeze for us, windchill into the low 20's. into the teens by saturday morning. i will leave you with this as i step out of the way, that red zone. to watch for saturday. not just saturday morning, but all through the day on saturday. if you have plans to travel to richmond, williamsburg, keep that in mind, this will be a snow event for them. the tractor-trailer occurred -- a tractor-trailer accident occurred this morning. you will find delays. molly cochran is in mobile track seven. this is what it looks like. you can see it is really moving, just inching along on 95. this crash involved two tractor-trailers. one went over the guard rail. that one was loaded with mil
that when bringing some heavy snow to areas of the carolinas, especially central and northern carolina. for portions of our area. southern maryland and the northern neck from 3:00 a.m. saturday until 3:00 p.m. saturday when it moves out of here. some cloud cover with us. behind it, even higher wind. wind chills a sunday morning will drop down to the teens. if you're going out tonight, watch out for the re-freeze. in light breeze for us, windchill into the low 20's. into the teens by saturday...
Jan 3, 2017
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lowey, the gentleman from north carolina, mr. mchenry, and the members of the wisconsin delegation, mr. sensenbrenner, mr. kind, ms. moore, mr. duffy, mr. pocan, mr. grothman, mr. gallagher. the committee will retire from the chamber to escort the speaker-little bit to the chair -- the speaker-elect to the chair. >> madam clerk, the speaker-elect, paul d. ryan, from the state of wisconsin.
lowey, the gentleman from north carolina, mr. mchenry, and the members of the wisconsin delegation, mr. sensenbrenner, mr. kind, ms. moore, mr. duffy, mr. pocan, mr. grothman, mr. gallagher. the committee will retire from the chamber to escort the speaker-little bit to the chair -- the speaker-elect to the chair. >> madam clerk, the speaker-elect, paul d. ryan, from the state of wisconsin.
Jan 1, 2017
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inland flooding in the carolinas.. moving across the country bringing blizzard conditions to some areas. by the end of the month, drought conditions in the southeast helped fuel droves of forest fires including fires in tennessee that killed more than a dozen people. and around the same time, tennessee and alabama also saw series of deadly tornadoes. but in the end, the biggest weather headline 2016 will go down as the hottest year ever recorded on planet earth since weather data first started being kept back the 19th century. in new york, i'm fox news chief meteorologist rick. >> to make the play and score the points players need real finesse. >> when things don't quite as plans sports can be the most entertaining. ♪ >>> the world best happening lease amaze everyone when they're at their best but they also entertain when things don't go according toll plan. >> absolutely. the year 2016 was full of these merry mishaps as we now present the best bloopers of the year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he's an idiot. next question. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
inland flooding in the carolinas.. moving across the country bringing blizzard conditions to some areas. by the end of the month, drought conditions in the southeast helped fuel droves of forest fires including fires in tennessee that killed more than a dozen people. and around the same time, tennessee and alabama also saw series of deadly tornadoes. but in the end, the biggest weather headline 2016 will go down as the hottest year ever recorded on planet earth since weather data first started...
Jan 3, 2017
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carolina: es la pregunta para el vaticano. crees tÚ que combina el vaticano al lado de mc donadls?vier: es un restaurante, no hablamos de una discoteca. carolina: al lado del vaticano te imaginas un centro de ayuda social y no estar ahÍ caminando y viendo los autos comiendo papas. javier: hay que preguntar a usted que estÁ en su casa,
carolina: es la pregunta para el vaticano. crees tÚ que combina el vaticano al lado de mc donadls?vier: es un restaurante, no hablamos de una discoteca. carolina: al lado del vaticano te imaginas un centro de ayuda social y no estar ahÍ caminando y viendo los autos comiendo papas. javier: hay que preguntar a usted que estÁ en su casa,
Jan 19, 2017
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i'm lester holt reporting from fayetteville, north carolina. all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. the eye of the storm is strong winds, rain and poible floodin >>> right now at 6:00, the eye of the storm is here, strong winds, rain and possible flooding. and this is just the first of three storms. we'll see our coastline slammed by powerful waves. we'll track the storm's appro h approach. >> we are in the thick of it now, and don't expect the rain to let up for hours. want to take you outside, give you a live look at san francisco and san jose, we've seen rain on the camera lenses all day. it's going to continue into the evening. this is live doppler radar right now. we have a team of reporters in place, we begin with rob mayeda. what can we expect this evening? >> right now is really the peak of storm number one in terms of wind and rain. you can see moderate rain across the coastline. you can see this next round of heavier rain moving into san francisco, san mateo, and eventually across the south bay. strong gusty win
i'm lester holt reporting from fayetteville, north carolina. all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. the eye of the storm is strong winds, rain and poible floodin >>> right now at 6:00, the eye of the storm is here, strong winds, rain and possible flooding. and this is just the first of three storms. we'll see our coastline slammed by powerful waves. we'll track the storm's appro h approach. >> we are in the thick of it now, and don't expect the rain to let...
Jan 11, 2017
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javier mazza carolina, javier de que tal como estÁn.era decir una palabra sobre esta conferencia de prensa seria confrontaciÓn. un mal comienzo. mal comienzo
javier mazza carolina, javier de que tal como estÁn.era decir una palabra sobre esta conferencia de prensa seria confrontaciÓn. un mal comienzo. mal comienzo
Jan 24, 2017
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as govern, the south carolina constitution required me to report annually to the people of my state on how their security and prosperity were being advanced by their government. in fact, i gave that state of the state address just one week ago. i was able to tell the citizens of south carolina that we now invest more dollars in public education than ever before, that our reserves have doubled while our debt service has been cut in half. and more south carolinians are working today than ever in the history of our state. without fundamental changes at the u.n., i cannot envision making the same kind of report to the american people as their ambassador. we contribute 22% of the u.n.'s budget, far more than any other country. we are a generous nation. but we must ask ourselves what good is being accomplished by
as govern, the south carolina constitution required me to report annually to the people of my state on how their security and prosperity were being advanced by their government. in fact, i gave that state of the state address just one week ago. i was able to tell the citizens of south carolina that we now invest more dollars in public education than ever before, that our reserves have doubled while our debt service has been cut in half. and more south carolinians are working today than ever in...
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. >>> north carolina has a new governor amid a bitter partisan politics in the state. governor roy cooper was sworn into office a few on minutes after midnight on new year's day. comes after the state legislature passed a series of measures to strip him of his power. on friday, a north carolina judge temporarily blocked those measures until they can be reviewed later this had week. cooper beat out outgoing republican governor pat mccurry in a tight race that is bitterly contested. >>> north korea says it is intercontinental missile. that would put the country another step closer to launch ago nuclear bomb overseas. this weekend, north korean leader kim jong un says the next missile test is in its final stages. >>> a new suspension bridge in china claims now to be the
. >>> north carolina has a new governor amid a bitter partisan politics in the state. governor roy cooper was sworn into office a few on minutes after midnight on new year's day. comes after the state legislature passed a series of measures to strip him of his power. on friday, a north carolina judge temporarily blocked those measures until they can be reviewed later this had week. cooper beat out outgoing republican governor pat mccurry in a tight race that is bitterly contested....
Jan 2, 2017
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carolina is going through. and guys, there's a lot of pain that is still being felt. when you have unemployment in of these areas that are still in the teens. so i am in the fight with you. >> raymond. mr. buckley: thanks. our problem, in any one of our communities, not just in the rural areas, but in the inner that we showll, is up weeks before the election and expect somehow to be miraculously connecting to the voters. they're smarter than that. the dnc has a new tool. it is called the building fund. we can take dollars that don't count against anything else. kindsrts of interesting of money. let's raise the money in the building fund. in my 15-point plan, i want to work with every state party. there should be a field office. i like to call it a community center in every single congressional district across the country. because i found in new we had 27 regional offices, more than half of them comingt paid by anyone out of washington, or brooklyn. they were the local people raising and helping with it. it was
carolina is going through. and guys, there's a lot of pain that is still being felt. when you have unemployment in of these areas that are still in the teens. so i am in the fight with you. >> raymond. mr. buckley: thanks. our problem, in any one of our communities, not just in the rural areas, but in the inner that we showll, is up weeks before the election and expect somehow to be miraculously connecting to the voters. they're smarter than that. the dnc has a new tool. it is called the...
Jan 19, 2017
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i'm lester holt reporting from fayetteville, north carolina.ll of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. hurry offer ends january 21st. only from fios. >> we're going to do something incredible. >> but they don't undersand the situation. >> countdown to the inauguration. national anthem singer jackie evancho is facing her critics and how does her transgender sister play into
i'm lester holt reporting from fayetteville, north carolina.ll of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv...
Jan 14, 2017
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we understand that she may stay in south carolina and visit her biologicalfamily, but south carolinat it will be interesting to see what this young woman does now that she knows the truth. thank you. thank you. one person is being treated for burn in manchester, after an explosion caused serious fire damage to a cafe. three fire engines have been dealing with the blaze, which engulfed the cafe on rochdale road in the harpurhey area of the city. the fire service are urging people to avoid the area and the section of road has been closed. a man has died after part of a cliff collapsed onto a beach in suffolk. police were called to the beach in thorpeness just before one thirty police were called to the beach in thorpeness just before 1:30pm this afternoon following reports that a man was trapped. despite efforts by the emergency services to locate and free the man, who is believed to be in his late fifties, he died at the scene. police are not treating the death as suspicious. the east coast of england escaped largely unscathed from a tidal storm surge during the night. thousands of pe
we understand that she may stay in south carolina and visit her biologicalfamily, but south carolinat it will be interesting to see what this young woman does now that she knows the truth. thank you. thank you. one person is being treated for burn in manchester, after an explosion caused serious fire damage to a cafe. three fire engines have been dealing with the blaze, which engulfed the cafe on rochdale road in the harpurhey area of the city. the fire service are urging people to avoid the...
Jan 24, 2017
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john mcneil was born in north carolina in 1918. from the time he was born until he graduated from college, john helped his folks run their family pharmacy which first opened in 1875 and is to this day, mr. speaker, north carolina's oldest family owned pharmacy. when mcneil graduated from the university of north carolina at chapel hill in 1940 as a pharmacist, he had intentions to return home to whiteville and work in the drugstore. that didn't happen. the united states had joined the allies in world war ii and mcneil found himself at the recruiting station trying to enlist. but much to his dismay, he quickly discovered he wasn't tall enough to qualify for the navy. now, john mcneil was undeterred and determined to serve his country, so mcneil spent the next two months of his life stretching and added two inches to his height, just enough to qualify for the navy. having been accepted to the navy, john completed his mid shipman's training and gained his admission in 1942. he commanded landing craft in the pacific theater and served w
john mcneil was born in north carolina in 1918. from the time he was born until he graduated from college, john helped his folks run their family pharmacy which first opened in 1875 and is to this day, mr. speaker, north carolina's oldest family owned pharmacy. when mcneil graduated from the university of north carolina at chapel hill in 1940 as a pharmacist, he had intentions to return home to whiteville and work in the drugstore. that didn't happen. the united states had joined the allies in...
Jan 8, 2017
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randy lexington north carolina, good morning. i'm an independent. as far as the wall and immigrants are concerned, the way that i look at it is, i am a firm believer of helping everybody but what about having to help yourself first. if my family and your family was starving and we didn't have anything whose family do you think i would feetfirst? gete jobs we're trying to we are letting millions of people in here and we can't get a job ourselves. i don't mind letting people in here but we need to help ourselves before we help anybody else area it doesn't make any sense. it doesn't make any sense democrat and people going crazy over all this. my concern is you need to help yourself before you help anybody else. you need to help your own family and get the united states act up and working right, then we can concern ourselves about immigrants and letting them in and helping wherever we can. ourselves our first. host: thank you. taxpayers to pay for the wall? that is the question and the remaining 20 minutes. k this tree, i believe mexico fund the wall.
randy lexington north carolina, good morning. i'm an independent. as far as the wall and immigrants are concerned, the way that i look at it is, i am a firm believer of helping everybody but what about having to help yourself first. if my family and your family was starving and we didn't have anything whose family do you think i would feetfirst? gete jobs we're trying to we are letting millions of people in here and we can't get a job ourselves. i don't mind letting people in here but we need...
Jan 4, 2017
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the line between north carolina and south carolina literally moved. the border battle goes back so long that to this day, both states claim to be the birthplace of president andrew jackson because the land surveys of that day were literally a mess. more than 20 years ago, the states decided to try to clarify the 334-mile area that's in question here. finally, this week at the stroke of midnight on january 1st, the border officially shifted. a little bit. and moved up about 100 feet. mainly in north carolina's gaston county and south carolina's york county. 19 homes started the new year in a new carolina. some people woke up with and foot in both as it turns out. border literally cuts right through some properties even through the middle of some homes. at least one resident has already received tax bills from both states. and the biggest legal fireworks were over actual fireworks, which are against the law in the north, and allowed to be sold in the south. so a minimart that has a new north carolina address had to get special attention to sell firework
the line between north carolina and south carolina literally moved. the border battle goes back so long that to this day, both states claim to be the birthplace of president andrew jackson because the land surveys of that day were literally a mess. more than 20 years ago, the states decided to try to clarify the 334-mile area that's in question here. finally, this week at the stroke of midnight on january 1st, the border officially shifted. a little bit. and moved up about 100 feet. mainly in...
Jan 10, 2017
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so, i am not familiar with the details of the north carolina law. but you are correct, any finding that's sustainable that there is a racial animus in the passing of a law that would restrict voting, that law is -- could be unsustainable. >> now, north carolina is one of the states that would have been covered by preclearance, was it not? >> north carolina states would be. >> it would have been. >> i would just suggest that section 2 allows all the remedies, and that's what i suppose they filed the action under in this case. it just not a preclearance question, and that preclearance policy is intrusive. and as the supreme court has said -- and i didn't mean that in any pejorative way. i was asked, do you believe it's intrusive, is that correct? i said it is intrusive. but the voting -- it said this is 1986. but the voting rights act was absolutely essential to avert the problem -- >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> we're going to break away from the confirmation hearings for some breaking news on the charleston church massacre trial. the ju
so, i am not familiar with the details of the north carolina law. but you are correct, any finding that's sustainable that there is a racial animus in the passing of a law that would restrict voting, that law is -- could be unsustainable. >> now, north carolina is one of the states that would have been covered by preclearance, was it not? >> north carolina states would be. >> it would have been. >> i would just suggest that section 2 allows all the remedies, and that's...
Jan 14, 2017
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coo in north carolina.op controlled legislature making a brazen push to sharply reduce the power of the new governor, democrat roy cooper, before he even takes office. >> what the republican led simply and legislature is trying to do is pass some bills and laws to actually curtail the incoming democratic governor's powers. >> it's one thing to lose a close race and be bitter about it. it's an entirely different one to try to jam through changes to strip away your opponents powers. >> seth: so, republicans lost and now gop legislators are stripping power away from the democratic governor before he takes office. that's like losing a bet and paying with monopoly money. $500. just like we said. sorry it's tiny and orange. [ laughter ] for example, four years ago when republican became governor the legislature expanded the number of appointments the governor gets to make, from 500 to 1500. now that a democrat is taking over, the legislatures has suddenly decided to cut that number from 1500 to 425. and then ther
coo in north carolina.op controlled legislature making a brazen push to sharply reduce the power of the new governor, democrat roy cooper, before he even takes office. >> what the republican led simply and legislature is trying to do is pass some bills and laws to actually curtail the incoming democratic governor's powers. >> it's one thing to lose a close race and be bitter about it. it's an entirely different one to try to jam through changes to strip away your opponents powers....