Apr 29, 2022
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carolina: arrancamos con esta alerta. emitiÓ una advertencia seria por el aumento de extorsiones sexuales a adolescentes. borja: mÁs detalles. son depredadores que se hacen pasar por niÑas y terminan extorsionando a los jÓvenes. segÚn expertos, esto puede terminar en suicidios. vamos a ver recomendaciones. reportera: segÚn el fbi, todo comienza cuando un depredador contacta a un menor en lÍnea, se hace pasar por adolecente y luego lo invita a grabar vÍdeos sexuales, para finalmente extorsionarlo. expertos dicen que las vÍctimas podrÍan terminar en suicidio. se dice que los padres juegan un papel fundamental en la seguridad y asÍ evitar ser vÍctimas. se recomienda ser selectivo con las redes sociales a las que se accede. segundo, bloquear mensajes de extraÑos en lÍnea. tres, tener en cuenta que cualquier persona puede mentir en lÍnea. cuarto, si alguna persona en un juego de comienza a hablar y te pide ir a otra plataforma, hay que tener cuidado. no hay que borrar ninguna evidencia. borja: quÉ miedo. hay que estar muy pend
carolina: arrancamos con esta alerta. emitiÓ una advertencia seria por el aumento de extorsiones sexuales a adolescentes. borja: mÁs detalles. son depredadores que se hacen pasar por niÑas y terminan extorsionando a los jÓvenes. segÚn expertos, esto puede terminar en suicidios. vamos a ver recomendaciones. reportera: segÚn el fbi, todo comienza cuando un depredador contacta a un menor en lÍnea, se hace pasar por adolecente y luego lo invita a grabar vÍdeos sexuales, para finalmente...
Apr 18, 2022
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[mÚsica] carolina: hola, con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa en este 18 de abril, es "ediciÓngital", arrancamos la semana. borja: comenzamos con el peligroso rescate grabado en vivo de inmigrantes que luchan con las corrientes de rÍo bravo para llegar a tierra estadounidense. un hombre lleva en su espalda un niÑo de 9 aÑos de edad y a lado dos mujeres. carolina: la policÍa les grita que se devuelva tratando de evitar una tragedia, los conectamos en vivo con marlene guzmÁn quien estÁ ahÍ con mÁs informaciÓn de lo que ocurriÓ. marlene: es un escenario que se repite una y otra vez como ustedes comentan y Últimamente con mayor frecuencia, migrantes corren con mayor suerte, en este caso por fortuna esta madre y este hijo pudieron ser rescatados, estÁn a punto de que se lo llevara la corriente y sabemos que a pesar de las advertencias de autoridades mexicanas que le decÍan que se regresaran , que no se arriesguen, intentaban cruzar el rÍo bravopor ciudad acuÑa, sin embargo se quedaron el medio varados porque la fuerte corriente estaba a punto de llevÁrselos, fue entonces que decidie
[mÚsica] carolina: hola, con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa en este 18 de abril, es "ediciÓngital", arrancamos la semana. borja: comenzamos con el peligroso rescate grabado en vivo de inmigrantes que luchan con las corrientes de rÍo bravo para llegar a tierra estadounidense. un hombre lleva en su espalda un niÑo de 9 aÑos de edad y a lado dos mujeres. carolina: la policÍa les grita que se devuelva tratando de evitar una tragedia, los conectamos en vivo con marlene...
Apr 19, 2022
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borja: ya tengo el regalo para carolina. carolina: me encanta.s expresaron sus protestas y la escuela estÁ estudiando ese incidente. a mÍ me da un ataque si pasa en mi casa. [mÚsica] borja: hoy, queremos destacar a pacheco martÍnez. es una historia maravillosa. nos llena de orgullo porque sigo indocumentada a estados unidos, sin hablar inglÉs y sin poder aplicar a daka. el que quiere, puede. a pesar de todo, obtuvo cuatro becas para su licenciatura en texas en estudios internacional en polÍtica y diplomacia. escuche cÓmo recuerda ella a todo esto. >> cuando lleguÉ aquÍ, yo me propuse ir a la universidad. aÚn asÍ, no hablaba el idioma. carolina: cuando se quiere, se puede. la felicitamos de parte de toda la familia de " ediciÓn digital ". maravillosa historia, ojalÁ que sirva de ejemplo. borja: no podÍamos acabar el noticiero sin felicitarte por tu cumpleaÑos, por tus 30 y tantos. carolina: 38, borja. llevamos en el espacio mÁs de cinco aÑos y mucha gente se ha convertido en nuestra familia. hemos pasado una pandemia, dos embarazos, tu llegada, mi
borja: ya tengo el regalo para carolina. carolina: me encanta.s expresaron sus protestas y la escuela estÁ estudiando ese incidente. a mÍ me da un ataque si pasa en mi casa. [mÚsica] borja: hoy, queremos destacar a pacheco martÍnez. es una historia maravillosa. nos llena de orgullo porque sigo indocumentada a estados unidos, sin hablar inglÉs y sin poder aplicar a daka. el que quiere, puede. a pesar de todo, obtuvo cuatro becas para su licenciatura en texas en estudios internacional en...
Apr 4, 2022
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[mÚsica] [mÚsica] carolina: hola, con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa, arrancando la semanatedes en "ediciÓn digital". bienvenidos. borja: lamentablemente comenzamos, la noticias. autÉntico sangriento fin de semana. comienzan a ser identificadas las primeras vÍctimas de lo que parecÍa una escena de guerra frente a un bar en sacramento, california. las vÍctimas son un padre de tres hijos de 38 aÑos y un hombre de 29 aÑos. 6 personas mÁs perdieron la vida y 12 heridas. carolina: el presidente joe biden exige la prohibiciÓn de las conocidas armas fantasmas al igual que las de asalto iba un poco mÁs allÁ. propone revocar la inmunidad de responsabilidad a los fabricantes de armas. juan carlos gonzÁlez tiene mÁs informaciÓn acerca de este caso. juan carlos: estamos aquÍ en el centro de la ciudad de sacramento capital del estado de california fue aquÍ en donde todo sucediÓ como a las dos de la madrugada de este domingo. se escuchan los balazos, lo que comenzÓ como una pelea, una pelea entre varios jÓvenes y no se sabe exactamente cuantos, ni de dÓnde salieron pero lo que sÍ se ve e
[mÚsica] [mÚsica] carolina: hola, con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa, arrancando la semanatedes en "ediciÓn digital". bienvenidos. borja: lamentablemente comenzamos, la noticias. autÉntico sangriento fin de semana. comienzan a ser identificadas las primeras vÍctimas de lo que parecÍa una escena de guerra frente a un bar en sacramento, california. las vÍctimas son un padre de tres hijos de 38 aÑos y un hombre de 29 aÑos. 6 personas mÁs perdieron la vida y 12...
Apr 8, 2022
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. ♪ carolina: con mucho gusto, borja y carolina en este viernes 8 de abril. bienvenidos.: vamos a arrancar el dÍa de hoy con la alarma de las Últimas horas que pone en jaque, agentes del servicio secreto de la casa blanca. y esto incluye un agente asignado a la primera dama. segÚn el fbi, estos dos hombres ofrecÍan favores a estos agentes con el propÓsito de ganarselos. apartamentos sin renta, penthouse con un alquiler que supera $40,000. tambiÉn ofrecÍan sistema de vigilancia, nerador, un estuche para pistolas y otros artÍculos policiales. el serviciosecreto estÁ diciendo en un comunicado que ellos estÁn colaborando con el fbi y tambiÉn resaltan que los agentes involucrados en esta investigaciÓn estÁn suspendidos. carolina: un gusto. tambiÉn se dice que tenÍan acceso a todos los rÉcord telefÓnicos del edificio. borja: es terrible. vamos a pasar con una buena noticia para los inmigrantes que tienen residencia condicional por dos aÑos por haber contraÍdo matrimonio con un ciudadano estadounidense. algunos de los residentes ya no tendrÁn que presentarse a la segunda entrevi
. ♪ carolina: con mucho gusto, borja y carolina en este viernes 8 de abril. bienvenidos.: vamos a arrancar el dÍa de hoy con la alarma de las Últimas horas que pone en jaque, agentes del servicio secreto de la casa blanca. y esto incluye un agente asignado a la primera dama. segÚn el fbi, estos dos hombres ofrecÍan favores a estos agentes con el propÓsito de ganarselos. apartamentos sin renta, penthouse con un alquiler que supera $40,000. tambiÉn ofrecÍan sistema de vigilancia,...
Apr 15, 2022
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nosotros somos carolina y borja. gracias por la sintonÍa.carolina: comenzamos con la fuerte polÉmica que se respira a esta hora en la capital del paÍs. siguen llegando autobuses lleno de indocumentados. llega un tercer autobÚs con al menos 30 personas a bordo, parte de esta amenaza cumplida de parte del gobernador de texas, quien dijo que le enviaba a los inmigrantes para que Él lidiarÁ con ellos. borja: algunos estÁn criticando esto. un alto funcionario de esa agencia dice que las medidas que estÁn tomando para trasladarlos . c carolina: llegan a la capital del paÍs y de repente, va a llegar a diferentes puntos de los estados unidos. borja: nuestro compaÑero francisco estÁ con ellos. cuÉntanos. francisco: estamos a la orilla del rÍo bravo. en este momento estamos en este tramo. estÁ justo en medio de la frontera. estÁn cruzando otro tramo de este rÍo en una fuerte corriente que pasa por aquÍ. ellos son parte de un flujo de migrantes, una ola migratoria que ha estado cruzando durante esta semana. y son llevados a diferentes albergues. uno de
nosotros somos carolina y borja. gracias por la sintonÍa.carolina: comenzamos con la fuerte polÉmica que se respira a esta hora en la capital del paÍs. siguen llegando autobuses lleno de indocumentados. llega un tercer autobÚs con al menos 30 personas a bordo, parte de esta amenaza cumplida de parte del gobernador de texas, quien dijo que le enviaba a los inmigrantes para que Él lidiarÁ con ellos. borja: algunos estÁn criticando esto. un alto funcionario de esa agencia dice que las...
Apr 14, 2022
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i am so proud to welcome president biden to beautiful greensboro, north carolina and to north carolina a&t state university, and i am not going to compete with the governor and the way he said aggie pride, so just imagine. i want to thank president biden for his leadership and for making the trip here today to witness all the great things happening in the triad. in the last few months, our region has seen some very exciting economic announcements that will bring thousands of good paying jobs to this area. these announcements have included advanced manufacturing jobs at the first toyota automotive electric battery manufacturing plant in the country and a supersonic airline manufacturing facility, also the first in the country, that will add good paying jobs to our innovative and growing aerospace industry that will be headquartered at the piedmont triad international airport. we have seen expansions to existing industries in our region ranging from textiles to microchips that create american-made goods. these exciting developments are both -- are bolstered by the $10.4 billion investmen
i am so proud to welcome president biden to beautiful greensboro, north carolina and to north carolina a&t state university, and i am not going to compete with the governor and the way he said aggie pride, so just imagine. i want to thank president biden for his leadership and for making the trip here today to witness all the great things happening in the triad. in the last few months, our region has seen some very exciting economic announcements that will bring thousands of good paying...
Apr 28, 2022
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♪ ♪ ♪ carolina: con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa.: mÁs adelante vamos con este tema que ha arrancado mucha polÉmica. los bancos estÁn activando una alerta nacional ante una posible recesiÓn econÓmica que nos golpearÍa duramente el bolsillo. algo que parece imposible el dÍa de hoy, que empecemos a ahorrar desde ya. advierten que los peores momentos sesentirÁn el prÓximo aÑo. recomiendan cuidar mÁs que nunca nuestros empleos, ya que dice que uno de los ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: ante esto hay preguntas. nos conectamos en vivo con el experto en finanzas, carlos guaman, un gusto verlos, saludarlo, arrancamos con esa recomendaciÓn de los bancos a ahorrar. cÓmo hacerlo cuando en casa apenas estamos pagando el alquiler, la luz, lo bÁsico, y no sobra ni un centavo? >> asÍ es, lamentablemente estamos viendo una Época muy complicada, tenemos que ser una radiografÍa financiera en la cual tenemos que verÉ exactamente cuÁnto estamos gastando, quÉ eliminar, y cÓmo podemos eliminar ese famoso empleo, lamentablemente muchas personas lo van a perder en e
♪ ♪ ♪ carolina: con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa.: mÁs adelante vamos con este tema que ha arrancado mucha polÉmica. los bancos estÁn activando una alerta nacional ante una posible recesiÓn econÓmica que nos golpearÍa duramente el bolsillo. algo que parece imposible el dÍa de hoy, que empecemos a ahorrar desde ya. advierten que los peores momentos sesentirÁn el prÓximo aÑo. recomiendan cuidar mÁs que nunca nuestros empleos, ya que dice que uno de los ♪ [mÚsica]...
Apr 11, 2022
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carolina: maravilloso. serÁ para la prÓxima.tengo hambre, quiero salir a pasear como te imaginas saber lo que piensa tÚ mascota? borja: un joven cientÍfico y empresario ha creado un medio de comunicaciÓn que supuestamente permite oÍr lo que sienten y piensan las mascotas. quieren conocer este sistema? reportera: todos tenemos algo que decir. estudiÓ ciencia cognitiva y aplica su conocimiento desarrollar canales de comunicaciÓn entre humanos y mascotas esta es su mÁs reciente creaciÓn y es para enseÑarle a perros y a gatos a comunicarse. un mÁximo de 32 botones. dice que es una combinaciÓn de botones que emiten sonidos con palabras seleccionadas y grabadas por el dueÑo de la mascota. lo bÁsico, salir, jugar, hambre, funciona mejor cuando son separadas por categorÍas, verbos, gente, objetos, cuando estudias neurociencia como el descubres que no somos tan significativamente distintos a otras especies. tiene mÁs de 7,000,000 de seguidores en tik tok, fue entrenada desde las 8 semanas y habla muy bien, y sabe unas 100 palabras, es un
carolina: maravilloso. serÁ para la prÓxima.tengo hambre, quiero salir a pasear como te imaginas saber lo que piensa tÚ mascota? borja: un joven cientÍfico y empresario ha creado un medio de comunicaciÓn que supuestamente permite oÍr lo que sienten y piensan las mascotas. quieren conocer este sistema? reportera: todos tenemos algo que decir. estudiÓ ciencia cognitiva y aplica su conocimiento desarrollar canales de comunicaciÓn entre humanos y mascotas esta es su mÁs reciente creaciÓn...
Apr 20, 2022
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carolina: sean bienvenidos.a empezar con la desesperada sÚplica que hacen a madrid a escuchar a su hija. karina, de 31 aÑos, desapareciÓ el pasado ... y tiene siete meses de embarazo y dos hijas, y nestoras y afrontan por ella. carolina: es una verdadera tragedia y hay solamente una pista. se confirma ver en contra del telÉfono y la ropa que traÍa puesta. nos conectamos con la madre y el padre. a ambos, mucha fuerza. admiramos que estÉn aquÍ. en este momento, tan complicado para su familia. si su hija estuviera viendo, quÉ gustarÍa que supiera? >> que la queremos mucho y nos importa demasiado. porque es la Única hija que tengo. nosotros somos de familia que no somos cariÑosos, se nos va la gente sin decir adiÓs ni nada, pero en el fondo lo sentimos mucho. tengo familia en mÉxico, donde sÓlo es cÓmo estÁs, pero sabemos que en el fondo nos queremos. ella se fue el jueves y no regresÓ. cuando estaba el viernes, comiendo... me contestÓ un seÑor diciendo que me encontrado su telÉfono. borja: seÑora marÍa, seÑor jesÚs
carolina: sean bienvenidos.a empezar con la desesperada sÚplica que hacen a madrid a escuchar a su hija. karina, de 31 aÑos, desapareciÓ el pasado ... y tiene siete meses de embarazo y dos hijas, y nestoras y afrontan por ella. carolina: es una verdadera tragedia y hay solamente una pista. se confirma ver en contra del telÉfono y la ropa que traÍa puesta. nos conectamos con la madre y el padre. a ambos, mucha fuerza. admiramos que estÉn aquÍ. en este momento, tan complicado para su...
Apr 7, 2022
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seguimos con mÁs, carolina. carolina: surgen detalles del terrible ataque en california. esta obra la policÍa reporta que momentos antes hubo una pelea de grupos rivales y al menos cinco de ellos habrÍan disparado. la investigaciÓn sugiere que las pandillas que se mueven en esa zona habrÍan sido responsables de este crimen. se confirma la resta de almenas 3. hablemos de rusia, se habla de las hijas del presidente putin. a esta hora estÁn enfrentando las naciones econÓmicas. ¿quiÉnes son? ¿y por quÉ nadie habla de ellas? aquÍ te contamos. ♪ ♪ carolina: la primera es marilla morosova, su hermana es caterina. las puedan ver en pantalla. hijas de un matrimonio de putin. del primer matrimonio. medios aseguran que se habÍan cambiado el nombre para ocultar su perfil. la revista forbes dice que una es propietaria de una organizaciÓn de salud privada. y caterina es bailarina profesional. se dice que estuvo casada hasta el aÑo 2018 con el hijo de nikolaj. amigo y miembro del cÍrculo mÁs cercano de su padre, el presidente de rusia. borja: las sanciones que estÁn aplicando en paÍses
seguimos con mÁs, carolina. carolina: surgen detalles del terrible ataque en california. esta obra la policÍa reporta que momentos antes hubo una pelea de grupos rivales y al menos cinco de ellos habrÍan disparado. la investigaciÓn sugiere que las pandillas que se mueven en esa zona habrÍan sido responsables de este crimen. se confirma la resta de almenas 3. hablemos de rusia, se habla de las hijas del presidente putin. a esta hora estÁn enfrentando las naciones econÓmicas. ¿quiÉnes...
Apr 21, 2022
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. ♪ ♪ carolina: ¿cÓmo estÁn? los saludamos borja y carolina en este jueves 21 de abril.s tu "ediciÓn digital". borja: comenzamos con el presunto ataque racista que desata pÁnico a todo padre de familia que de las imÁgenes. ——que ve iban conversando en espaÑol en un autobÚs escolar dos jÓvenes hispanas, una compaÑera las escucho y las atacÓ brutalmente por la espalda cuando se bajaban, sÓlo por hablar en espaÑol. la madre de isabella dice que su hija y su amiga, antonela, las dos venezolanas, fueron violentamente golpeadas y terminaron en una sala de urgencia en un hospital. xarolina: fue tan fuerte que ambas estaban apunto de una convulsiÓn y tenÍan moretones. aquÍ en la "ediciÓn digital" nos conectamos en vivo con isabella, la madre y su padre, el seÑor fredy. lamento mucho, isabella, que hayas pasado por este incidente. todo quedÓ captado en video. ¿quÉ ocurriÓ ese dÍa? ¿cÓmo te sientes? isabella: pues, mi amiga y yo estÁbamos en el bus, estÁbamos hablando en espaÑol. y un niÑo empezÓ a hacernos burla. estaba haciendo muy racista y nos copiaba lo que decÍamos en espaÑo
. ♪ ♪ carolina: ¿cÓmo estÁn? los saludamos borja y carolina en este jueves 21 de abril.s tu "ediciÓn digital". borja: comenzamos con el presunto ataque racista que desata pÁnico a todo padre de familia que de las imÁgenes. ——que ve iban conversando en espaÑol en un autobÚs escolar dos jÓvenes hispanas, una compaÑera las escucho y las atacÓ brutalmente por la espalda cuando se bajaban, sÓlo por hablar en espaÑol. la madre de isabella dice que su hija y su amiga,...
Apr 5, 2022
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mchenry of north carolina and mrs.alorski of indiana, i inform the house that that mr. mchenry and mrs. walorski will vote aye on h.r. 4476. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from virginia seek recognition? >> as the member designated by ms. porter, i inform the house that ms. porter will vote yes on h.r. 4476. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. fullture of -- fulcher of idaho, i inform the house that mr. fulcher will be voting yes on h.r. 4476. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by the following members, jim cooper, nanette barragan, joaquin castro, and henry cuellar, i inform the house that these members will vote yes on h.r. 4476. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina seek recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by ms.
mchenry of north carolina and mrs.alorski of indiana, i inform the house that that mr. mchenry and mrs. walorski will vote aye on h.r. 4476. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from virginia seek recognition? >> as the member designated by ms. porter, i inform the house that ms. porter will vote yes on h.r. 4476. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by...
Apr 14, 2022
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carolina: esto incluye a las 30 personas que tambiÉn habrÍan llegado a la capital el dÍa de ayer, y que hace semanas desde colombia, cuba, venezuela y nicaragua. edwin nos cuanto mÁs acerca de lo que podrÍa pasar con esas personas. edwin: estamos aquÍ en washington, d.c., donde en horas de la madrugada llegÓ un segundo bus desde texas con inmigrantes indocumentados, tal como lo habrÍa prometido el gobernador greg. >> para las personas que podÍan tomarlo voluntariamente fue lo que hicimos >> nos dieron todo lo que necesitÁbamos, fueron 30 horas. edwin: nos encontramos fuera de edificios de caridades catÓlicos, un grupo de migrantes que llegaron desde la frontera, conversamos fuera de cÁmara con la directora de comunicaciones y nos comenta que le han podido dar certificado de regalos, alimentaciÓn, informaciÓn adicional sobre dÓnde estÁn las organizaciones que podÍan ayudarlos, pero una de las partes mÁs importantes que logran darle pasajes para que para llegar a su destino final entre ellos la ciudad de nueva york y tambiÉn miami el gobernador de texas ha dicho que pesar de que no sabemo
carolina: esto incluye a las 30 personas que tambiÉn habrÍan llegado a la capital el dÍa de ayer, y que hace semanas desde colombia, cuba, venezuela y nicaragua. edwin nos cuanto mÁs acerca de lo que podrÍa pasar con esas personas. edwin: estamos aquÍ en washington, d.c., donde en horas de la madrugada llegÓ un segundo bus desde texas con inmigrantes indocumentados, tal como lo habrÍa prometido el gobernador greg. >> para las personas que podÍan tomarlo voluntariamente fue lo que...
Apr 1, 2022
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carolina: bastante complicado, gracias.ana amanece de luto por la muerte de un pequeÑo de 12 aÑos muerto a balazos. estaba a bordo de una camioneta con su tÍa y una niÑa de ocho aÑos terminando de comer cuando un grupo de cinco hombres empezÓ a disparar, la tÍa recibiÓ tres impactos de bala y fue operada. al parecer habrÍan sido vÍctima del fuego cruzado entre los pistoleros y la policÍa los estÁ buscando tras huir rÁpidamente de la escena. la policÍa confirma el arresto de tres hispanos vinculado con el presente abuso sexual de cinco hermanitos, al punto que ellos fueron condenados a cadena perpetua de los menores habrÍan sido entregados a esta familia para que lo descuidaron y terminaron abusandolos. momentos de pÁnico para una mujer que estÁ en su casa tranquila y durmiendo, de repente se da cuenta de que un hombre desnudo empieza a abrazarla. cristina brown estÁ durmiendo despuÉs un turno nocturno y en cuestiÓn de segundos el hombre se metiÓ en su cama e intentÓ tocarla, su novio y su hijo estÁ haciendo tareas al moment
carolina: bastante complicado, gracias.ana amanece de luto por la muerte de un pequeÑo de 12 aÑos muerto a balazos. estaba a bordo de una camioneta con su tÍa y una niÑa de ocho aÑos terminando de comer cuando un grupo de cinco hombres empezÓ a disparar, la tÍa recibiÓ tres impactos de bala y fue operada. al parecer habrÍan sido vÍctima del fuego cruzado entre los pistoleros y la policÍa los estÁ buscando tras huir rÁpidamente de la escena. la policÍa confirma el arresto de tres...
Apr 14, 2022
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thank you for making a difference to the families in north carolina. you've set an example across the country. thank you. and look, you can cheer, it's all right. there is a debate in my administration that we never seem to be able to settle. and that is that the vice president who is incredible talented, she is a howard graduate. a great school and i hear about morehouse manager, my senior advisor, all the time. and you've got a great university here. but delaware state. delaware state. they launched me into my career, not a joke. i got elected to the united states senate when i was 29 years old, chancellor. i had to wait 17 days to be eligible to be sworn in, true story. and it would not have happened and i won by arousing 3021 votes. and it would not have happened without delaware state. most people don't realize delaware has the eighth largest black population in america. and the fact is that is as i say and claremont, delaware, where i was raised in a steel town in delaware, you brought me to the dance. but here's the deal, i've got to jessica nev
thank you for making a difference to the families in north carolina. you've set an example across the country. thank you. and look, you can cheer, it's all right. there is a debate in my administration that we never seem to be able to settle. and that is that the vice president who is incredible talented, she is a howard graduate. a great school and i hear about morehouse manager, my senior advisor, all the time. and you've got a great university here. but delaware state. delaware state. they...
Apr 29, 2022
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[interpreter] north carolina naacp. a case about north carolina's voter i. d. law. >> well, your argument next in case 21 to 48, burger against north carolina state conference of the naacp. mr. thompson, mr. chief duchesses north carolina law designates the state as necessary parties, the petitioners as agents of the state and is necessary parties, in all actions and state actors. and state court and the petition and necessary parties and this lawsuit however was filed in federal court. and when the petitioners sought to intervene, they were denied and a strong presumption was applied against their intervention. this outcome should be reversed for two reasons. first, under turbovich, village we are entitled to intervene. the state respondents have candidly, and forthrightly acknowledged that they have a primary objective and receiving clear guidance on what law, if any, will need to be enforced and because that administrative responsibility and interest may not always dictate precisely the same approach to litigation, as our interest in defending the law every
[interpreter] north carolina naacp. a case about north carolina's voter i. d. law. >> well, your argument next in case 21 to 48, burger against north carolina state conference of the naacp. mr. thompson, mr. chief duchesses north carolina law designates the state as necessary parties, the petitioners as agents of the state and is necessary parties, in all actions and state actors. and state court and the petition and necessary parties and this lawsuit however was filed in federal court....
Apr 15, 2022
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north carolina law could do that. and then, in that case, again, i don't think the legislature could come in and say we want a second counsel representing the state. they -- they'd just pick one, the one that state law says represents the -- the state. justice barrett: but it wouldn't change your view about whether the legislature could come into the suit, whether berger could come in? it wouldn't change? ms. theodore: it wouldn't. but, if state law says that, you know, the -- the state legislators decide who the counsel is for the state board of elections in any particular case, that would be fine from the perspective of federal law. they could -- they could certainly do that. and so, again, you know, the state is in -- is in total control here. justice breyer: but, before you do -- what do you do about this trbovich? i mean, on page 539, i take it what the court said, this is a union member, he goes to the secretary of labor, says, hey, they had an unfair election in the mine workers. the secretary brings the lawsui
north carolina law could do that. and then, in that case, again, i don't think the legislature could come in and say we want a second counsel representing the state. they -- they'd just pick one, the one that state law says represents the -- the state. justice barrett: but it wouldn't change your view about whether the legislature could come into the suit, whether berger could come in? it wouldn't change? ms. theodore: it wouldn't. but, if state law says that, you know, the -- the state...
Apr 13, 2022
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carolina: gracias.andrea dice que el hombre publicada en su canal de youtube. >> vÍdeos como este publicarÁ frank james en su canal de youtube. antes del atentado en el metro de nueva york por el que estÁ siendo buscado. las autoridades dicen que el hombre de 62 aÑos habrÍa alquilado una furgoneta en filadelfia y que luego fue encontrada en el estaciÓn del metro de brooklyn en donde al menos 29 personas resultaron heridas. las llaves del vehÍculo fueron encontradas en el seno del atentado, junto la tarjeta de crÉdito con la que james habrÍa pagado. hablaba de una guerra racial. realizÓ amenazas. en su Último vÍdeo publicado el 11 de abril de este aÑo, son los de antes del tiroteo, james, dijo que habÍa pasado por muchas cosas en su vida y que querÍa ver morir persona. en otros vÍdeos, james, afirmaba que sufrÍa de trastorno de estrÉs postraumÁtico. carolina: de alguien llamado las autoridades antes podrÍamos haber evitado la tragedia. gracias, andrea. borja: el precio del odio. corazÓn lleno de odio, el
carolina: gracias.andrea dice que el hombre publicada en su canal de youtube. >> vÍdeos como este publicarÁ frank james en su canal de youtube. antes del atentado en el metro de nueva york por el que estÁ siendo buscado. las autoridades dicen que el hombre de 62 aÑos habrÍa alquilado una furgoneta en filadelfia y que luego fue encontrada en el estaciÓn del metro de brooklyn en donde al menos 29 personas resultaron heridas. las llaves del vehÍculo fueron encontradas en el seno del...
Apr 27, 2022
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the gentleman from south carolina. mr. wilson: i yield three minutes to the gentleman from michigan, mr. walberg. mr. walberg: i rise today in support of house resolution 336 and once again call on the russian government to release american citizens paul whelan. i thank my colleague congresswoman stevens for her undying leadership in fighting this travesty, and it is a travesty. it has now been over three years since paul whelan, a michigan resident and marine veteran and an american citizen was imprisoned in russia without proper evidence or a trial. sham trial that is the message that paul wanted to convey while the system handed out a ridiculous sentence. he has been denied access to proper medical treatment despite a sharp decline in his health. i returned from ukraine where russian atrocities have been on display to the entire world. make no mistake about that. we saw heartbreaking devastation that has impacted so many lives, but tragically putin's barbaric behavior is not new. he has no concern for even the most basi
the gentleman from south carolina. mr. wilson: i yield three minutes to the gentleman from michigan, mr. walberg. mr. walberg: i rise today in support of house resolution 336 and once again call on the russian government to release american citizens paul whelan. i thank my colleague congresswoman stevens for her undying leadership in fighting this travesty, and it is a travesty. it has now been over three years since paul whelan, a michigan resident and marine veteran and an american citizen...
Apr 18, 2022
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thompson: not under north carolina law, your honor. the way these statutes work, 120-32.6(b) says that we are deemed to be the state to the same extent as 1-72.2, and that statute says that we are the legislature. and so we've been designated quite clearly as agents of the state, and we've been designated as -- justice kagan: but not in replacement of the attorney general. i mean, it would be different if you said, no, you know, we're -- we're tired of the attorney general, the legislators now represent the state. but you kept the attorney general going. and in your first intervention motion, you said basically we have a separate interest. it's the interest of the legislature. and, you know, that makes a fair amount of sense. it's like, okay, well, that's a different interest. but now you're not saying that. you're -- you're claiming the same interest that the attorney general has under north carolina law. mr. thompson: well, under -- well, no, it's not the same interest. they have an administrative interest that they've made clear at
thompson: not under north carolina law, your honor. the way these statutes work, 120-32.6(b) says that we are deemed to be the state to the same extent as 1-72.2, and that statute says that we are the legislature. and so we've been designated quite clearly as agents of the state, and we've been designated as -- justice kagan: but not in replacement of the attorney general. i mean, it would be different if you said, no, you know, we're -- we're tired of the attorney general, the legislators now...
Apr 28, 2022
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the gentleman from south carolina. mr. wilson: i yield three minutes to the gentleman from michigan, mr. walberg. mr. walberg: i rise today in support of house resolution 336 and once again call on the russian government to release american citizens paul whelan. i thank my colleague congresswoman stevens for her undying leadership in fighting this travesty, and it is a travesty. it has now been over three years since paul whelan, a michigan resident and marine veteran and an american citizen was imprisoned in russia without proper evidence or a trial. sham trial that is the message that paul wanted to convey while the system handed out a ridiculous sentence. he has been denied access to proper medical treatment despite a sharp decline in his health. i returned from ukraine where russian atrocities have been on display to the entire world. make no mistake about that. we saw heartbreaking devastation that has impacted so many lives, but tragically putin's barbaric behavior is not new. he has no concern for even the most basi
the gentleman from south carolina. mr. wilson: i yield three minutes to the gentleman from michigan, mr. walberg. mr. walberg: i rise today in support of house resolution 336 and once again call on the russian government to release american citizens paul whelan. i thank my colleague congresswoman stevens for her undying leadership in fighting this travesty, and it is a travesty. it has now been over three years since paul whelan, a michigan resident and marine veteran and an american citizen...
Apr 30, 2022
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the gentleman from south carolina reserves. the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from michigan, ms. stevens. >> the gentlewoman from michigan is recognized. >> mr. speaker, i rise today as i have every day i have served in this very chamber. on behalf of my constituent, paul whelan. who has been wrongfully detained in russia since the end of december, 2018. throughout mr. whelan's detention, the russian government has repeatedly violated his rights, denied him proper medical care, and refused to provide any evidence to substantiate the charges against him. he was held in a pretrial detention for over 18 months in the notorious prison. then mr. whelan's trial was held behind closed door and his defense was prohibited from calling witnesses. mr. whelan now serves he 16 and facing harsh conditions. early this morning the news broke that fellow american trefer reed, a marine and texan was freed through a prisoner swap orchestrated by president biden. this is
the gentleman from south carolina reserves. the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from michigan, ms. stevens. >> the gentlewoman from michigan is recognized. >> mr. speaker, i rise today as i have every day i have served in this very chamber. on behalf of my constituent, paul whelan. who has been wrongfully detained in russia since the end of december, 2018. throughout mr. whelan's detention, the russian...
Apr 15, 2022
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next is paul in myrtle beach south carolina. go ahead. caller: good morning, you look at the breakdown and conservatives are about 35%. the rest of the ones that decide the election. i think the national mainstream media is the democrat party, big tech, social media. they supported these people that think biden is doing a good job, no matter what -- they don't get the true story all this mainstream media are still stuck on january 6. they never mentioned what kind of job biden is doing. so people need to kind of look at it for themselves. it's a terrible president and they got together in south carolina and decided he was the louvre one that he could be -- they cut a deal and he started losing the democrat nomination. that's when it turned around. you get what you get. host: all right. toledo, iowa. dennis on the democrat line. caller: republicans are telling me to go back to trumpcare that we had unemployment, since the great depression. we had sporting events canceled. we had short seasons and baseball. we had fans going to the games be
next is paul in myrtle beach south carolina. go ahead. caller: good morning, you look at the breakdown and conservatives are about 35%. the rest of the ones that decide the election. i think the national mainstream media is the democrat party, big tech, social media. they supported these people that think biden is doing a good job, no matter what -- they don't get the true story all this mainstream media are still stuck on january 6. they never mentioned what kind of job biden is doing. so...
Apr 29, 2022
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the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr.son: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. wilson: i rise in support of s. 3522, the ukraine democracy defense lend-lease act of 2022. madam speaker, it's absolutely amazing, the unintended consequence of vladimir putin, war criminal putin, that he's brought democrats and republicans together. he's united the people of the united states and with the leadership of chairman greg meeks, it's such a -- and the ranking member, mike mccaul, americans are united in their support of the people of ukraine. for 63 days, the courageous people of ukraine have resisted full-scale invasion by war criminal putin with his murderous occupying forces in large part due to the courageous leadership of president volodymyr zelenskyy. ukraine has seen the lives of their loved ones senselessly murdered. the world has been a witness to the countless atrocities inflicted upon the ukrainian people, and we continue to see the depravity of the putin fo
the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr.son: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. wilson: i rise in support of s. 3522, the ukraine democracy defense lend-lease act of 2022. madam speaker, it's absolutely amazing, the unintended consequence of vladimir putin, war criminal putin, that he's brought democrats and republicans together. he's united the people of the united states and with the leadership of chairman greg...
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numerous warnings across the carolinas. the tornado warning -- or watch was extended into north carolina until midnight. the severe weather threat is going to end between 9:00 and midnight. and then our focus will shift to the heavy rain moving up into the northeast. we're talking an inch to an inch and a half of rain from d.c. to philly to new york. a very wet morning commute. the severe weather isn't over. it's more north tomorrow. atlanta, macmacon, and birmingh. david? >> all right, lee goldberg, our thanks to you again tonight. >>> to other news now, and next this evening, police in erie, pennsylvania, are searching at this hour for a suspect wanted for a school shooting in erie. a student was shot and wounded at erie high school. the victim rushed to the hospital. they're expected to survive. the school placed on lockdown while police secured that building. >>> and from sacramento tonight, authorities are now reporting new arrests after that deadly mass shooting. smiley martin taken into hospital while hospitalized wi
numerous warnings across the carolinas. the tornado warning -- or watch was extended into north carolina until midnight. the severe weather threat is going to end between 9:00 and midnight. and then our focus will shift to the heavy rain moving up into the northeast. we're talking an inch to an inch and a half of rain from d.c. to philly to new york. a very wet morning commute. the severe weather isn't over. it's more north tomorrow. atlanta, macmacon, and birmingh. david? >> all right,...
Apr 5, 2022
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carolina came out on fire.manning, who knocks down three of his 13 points. carolina led by 16, at one point final seconds of the first half. r j. davis mrs johnson hits the boards and beats the clock with his put back. carolina took a 42 25 lead to the locker room. 11 points off the bench for johnson, kansas had to come out and make things happen right away in the second half. the jayhawks did just that to want. harris lobster david mccormick on the first possession. kansas went on a 31 to 10 run in the 1st 10 minutes of the half. carolina turns it over, then it's a bargain to christian braun, carolina lead cut to one well balanced scoring for the jacks, who had five players in doubles. now it's carolina, down three. but answering johnson from the corner tied at 57 now inside a minute, and i have to play with carolina, up one. david mccormack, mrs but follows the mist muscles the ball in it. 70 69 kansas same score. carolina has stopped. mccormick works on manic grinds out two more. mccormick ended up with 15 p
carolina came out on fire.manning, who knocks down three of his 13 points. carolina led by 16, at one point final seconds of the first half. r j. davis mrs johnson hits the boards and beats the clock with his put back. carolina took a 42 25 lead to the locker room. 11 points off the bench for johnson, kansas had to come out and make things happen right away in the second half. the jayhawks did just that to want. harris lobster david mccormick on the first possession. kansas went on a 31 to 10...
eye 160
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warnings and watches from florida to the carolinas. at least six confirmed tornadoes in texas and mississippi. and that system moving into washington, d.c., philadelphia, and new york. we will time it out for you. >>> tonight, the latest on a school shooting in pennsylvania. there is a search at this hour for the suspect. and news out of sacramento after that deadly shooting there, another arrest. >>> the i-65 killer, also called the days inn killer. has the case finally been solved? what authorities revealed today. >>> ivanka trump testifying before the january 6th committee for nearly eight hours. she was still answering questions late today. and this question tonight -- will americans ever see these interviews by the committee? jonathan karl standing by. >>> former president obama making his return to the white house since leaving office. why he was there and what he said to his former vice president. >>> tiger woods and what he said today about competing in the masters. >>> and we do have news coming in on covid tonight. will you n
warnings and watches from florida to the carolinas. at least six confirmed tornadoes in texas and mississippi. and that system moving into washington, d.c., philadelphia, and new york. we will time it out for you. >>> tonight, the latest on a school shooting in pennsylvania. there is a search at this hour for the suspect. and news out of sacramento after that deadly shooting there, another arrest. >>> the i-65 killer, also called the days inn killer. has the case finally been...
Apr 5, 2022
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the flight too off from north carolina investigators say the pilot may have lost control in high winds. >>> up next for us, the former president works to defeat high-profile incumbents in his own party. a test of his power, and theirs, and what it could all mean heading into the midterms test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test >>> just days after sarah palin announced she's running for congress, she's been endorsed by donald trump. and as the midterms approach, the former president is testing his political capital by targeting 12 incumbents in his own party. here's vaughn hillyard >> reporter: donald trump remains the country's most influential republican more than a year after his exit from washington. >> we are going to fight for america like no one has ever fought before. >> reporter: but in these 2022 midterms, he's putting tha influence to the test. trump is trying to rid the party of these 12 republican incumbents by backing primary challengers to them. alaska's senator lisa murkow
the flight too off from north carolina investigators say the pilot may have lost control in high winds. >>> up next for us, the former president works to defeat high-profile incumbents in his own party. a test of his power, and theirs, and what it could all mean heading into the midterms test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test >>> just days after sarah palin announced she's...
Apr 6, 2022
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it started in mississippi and then alabama, georgia, and south carolina we had numerous strong tornados also as we get the pictures in of daylight we'll get a better view how widespread the damage was and what towns were hit the worst. allandale, south carolina, had one of the biggest tornados that moved through the area this is a separate storm from yesterday's storm and going to hit had the same exact areas especially in georgia and areas of alabama chattanooga, to macon enhanced risk tomorrow less area, smaller area for the severe weather but still dealing with isolated strong storms north carolina and florida, guys. two more days and a break friday >> glad to hear there's a break coming bill, thank you. >>> let's turn now to day 42 of russia's invasion of ukraine overnight the state department revealed the u.s. will be sending more supplies to ukraine including an additional $100 million in javelin anti-tank missiles ukraine president zelenskyy asked for more support zelenskyy urged the council to hold russia accountable for the atrocities covered near kyiv we warn you again some of
it started in mississippi and then alabama, georgia, and south carolina we had numerous strong tornados also as we get the pictures in of daylight we'll get a better view how widespread the damage was and what towns were hit the worst. allandale, south carolina, had one of the biggest tornados that moved through the area this is a separate storm from yesterday's storm and going to hit had the same exact areas especially in georgia and areas of alabama chattanooga, to macon enhanced risk...
Apr 4, 2022
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the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from south carolina, mr. wilson. mr. wilson: everyone is invited to participate. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will receive a message. the messenger: mr. speaker, messages from the senate. the secretary: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: madam secretary. the secretary: i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has passed s.3580, an act-to-mend title 46 united states code with respect to acts by ocean common carriers or marine terminal operators and for other purposes which the concurrence of the house is requested. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from iowa seek recognition? mrs. miller-meeks: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my
the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from south carolina, mr. wilson. mr. wilson: everyone is invited to participate. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will receive a message. the messenger: mr. speaker, messages from the senate. the secretary: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: madam secretary. the...
Apr 30, 2022
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meadows left pennsylvania and north carolina and arizona and nevada. meadows responds, all right got it, everywhere. he said seems good, but some people said it would be a landslide. we do not want that out there. same afternoon here is hannity, with a very similar get out the vote message on his radio show. >> i am acting as though and knowing that every single solitary vote matters. what i can report to you, and this is information i've been on the phone all day with people all over the country, is every state that matters. and we have gone over them, probably ad nauseam -- is showing incredible, heavy turnout in republican areas. >> i mean yes, that is pretty boiler plate stuff. but again,, knowing who sean hannity was text messaging, the conversations that were had between them. it really is quite striking that basically what you are dealing with here is just a full partnership behind the scenes. joining me now from media matters, laura milken who is the senior vice president here and who has -- julie millican sorry, and she joins me now. julie mil
meadows left pennsylvania and north carolina and arizona and nevada. meadows responds, all right got it, everywhere. he said seems good, but some people said it would be a landslide. we do not want that out there. same afternoon here is hannity, with a very similar get out the vote message on his radio show. >> i am acting as though and knowing that every single solitary vote matters. what i can report to you, and this is information i've been on the phone all day with people all over the...
Apr 4, 2022
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national goalkeeper hope solo in a north carolina walmart parking lot on thursday.they booked her on suspicion of impaired driving, resisting arrest, and misdemeanor child abuse. no word on what exactly led up to her arrest. solo was booked into a local jail and then released in an instagram post solo wrote will be able to share the facts in due time, adding, life can be tough but these are truly the moments that matter. >>> the television world continues to mourn the loss of actress estelle harris >> frank, i'm cold >> order a hot dish. >> why can't we sit over there >> that's not a booth! >> who says we have to sit in a booth? >> i didn't take the subway all the way to new york to sit at a table like that! >> i didn't take the subway to be in a drafty restaurant! >> harris died saturday in california she played george costanza's mother estelle on seinfeld and voiced mrs. potatohead in the "toy story" movies jason alexander called it a treat to hear her laughter, adding, serenity now and always. estelle harris was 93 years old. makes me want to watch all those "sei
national goalkeeper hope solo in a north carolina walmart parking lot on thursday.they booked her on suspicion of impaired driving, resisting arrest, and misdemeanor child abuse. no word on what exactly led up to her arrest. solo was booked into a local jail and then released in an instagram post solo wrote will be able to share the facts in due time, adding, life can be tough but these are truly the moments that matter. >>> the television world continues to mourn the loss of actress...
Apr 23, 2022
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it became incredibly important to the economy of western north carolina.vid weintraub) however, champion paper's mill released its effluents directly into the pigeon river, impacting western north carolina, but especially east tennessee. (news anchor) the governor says he canoed down the pigeon. above the canton mill, he says, the river is beautiful and thriving. wherter says it's a different story. (ned mcwherter) and that discharge comes out, and it's just an aolute sewer. (news anchor) mcwherter sa he met th champion's chairman of the board and studied 10 years of the paper company's annual reports. the governor said he learned that champion and its stockholders have been doing very well, while nothing has been done to clean up the river. (millie buchanan) chamon, in 1908, built a very large mill on a very small river, using a very toxic process on a river that at low flow, was totally diverted through the mill. what champion brought to north carolina were jobs that were very good paying for the area. the smell was really awful, but in canton, they'd sa
it became incredibly important to the economy of western north carolina.vid weintraub) however, champion paper's mill released its effluents directly into the pigeon river, impacting western north carolina, but especially east tennessee. (news anchor) the governor says he canoed down the pigeon. above the canton mill, he says, the river is beautiful and thriving. wherter says it's a different story. (ned mcwherter) and that discharge comes out, and it's just an aolute sewer. (news anchor)...
Apr 18, 2022
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would've sealed carolina had actually been first?t joe biden clinching the nomination? will there be better narratives if another state goes first for people like bernie sanders or pete better judge? obviously, looking back in 2020 ... >> well, exactly. how different with the democratic primary have been itself carolina had had that early position? tonight i was talking to dnc and cider that said it is near certainty that one of the first states will represent the diversity of the democratic electorate. this insider pointed to georgia as a possible new option for the early slate. also, south carolina is always going to be in their, especially out of pastor how decisive it wasn't last round. no one can remember the absolute boondoggle of what happened to the iowa caucuses last go round. wow, let's just repeat that all over again. that makes a lot of sense. i'm really glad that the dnc rules committee is looking at this. >> yeah. let me switch gears for a minute and talk about the midterms. this weekend, mitch mcconnell saying that he
would've sealed carolina had actually been first?t joe biden clinching the nomination? will there be better narratives if another state goes first for people like bernie sanders or pete better judge? obviously, looking back in 2020 ... >> well, exactly. how different with the democratic primary have been itself carolina had had that early position? tonight i was talking to dnc and cider that said it is near certainty that one of the first states will represent the diversity of the...
Apr 9, 2022
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desde washington, carolina, univisiÓn.al durante dos aÑos, dicen que uno de ellos confesÓ tener vÍnculos con la inteligencia de pakistÁn, y que habrÍan comprometido miembros del servicio secreto con regalos y apartamentos gratis. pedro rojas nos informa de esta trama que envuelto en un escÁndalo a la agencia que cuida a los lÍderes de la naciÓn. pedro: en este lujoso edificio de apartamentos de una renovada zona de washington, d.c., autoridades han estado recabando evidencia por el arresto de dos hombres identificados de 40 aÑos y de 35 aÑos, que en ese segÚn el gobierno llevaban dos aÑos fingiendo ser agentes encubiertos del departamento de seguridad nacional, habrÍan pagado lujosos apartamentos a agentes del servicio secreto y regalados celulares un rifle uno que recordaba la primera dama. >> ¿quÉ asÍ a esta gente en este paÍs? pedro: una jueza ordenÓ que los sospechosos permanezcan detenidos y confiscÓ sus pasaportes, porque uno recientemente viajÓ a irÁn y pakistÁn, y se investiga el propÓsito de esas visitas. en el do
desde washington, carolina, univisiÓn.al durante dos aÑos, dicen que uno de ellos confesÓ tener vÍnculos con la inteligencia de pakistÁn, y que habrÍan comprometido miembros del servicio secreto con regalos y apartamentos gratis. pedro rojas nos informa de esta trama que envuelto en un escÁndalo a la agencia que cuida a los lÍderes de la naciÓn. pedro: en este lujoso edificio de apartamentos de una renovada zona de washington, d.c., autoridades han estado recabando evidencia por el...
Apr 5, 2022
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kansas and north carolina have nine national titles combined. carolina took it to them. here is buck johnson following the shot. the heels led by 15 at the half. the jay hawks stormed back. martin corner pocket 3. is it was tied at 50. they out scored carolina 31-10. martins following a jumper. broke a 65 all time. kansas dictated pace of play. north carolina did not go quietly. brady manning a nice put back. the heels led 69-68. here is the next possession. mccormick, key bucket. put kansas in front for good. he scored 15 points and ten rebounds. down three but caleb love let it go. the shot was off and kansas became national champions, set a finals record for largest come back. 16 points to win it 72-69. >> be special to win regardless. to win when your team had to fight and come back the way they did and show that much grit makes this one off the charts. >> hurts for us to get this far. come up short like this on everything we went through. you know the positive thing is i wouldn't want to go through this with anyone else. >> yeah. you see the emotion there. >>> tiger
kansas and north carolina have nine national titles combined. carolina took it to them. here is buck johnson following the shot. the heels led by 15 at the half. the jay hawks stormed back. martin corner pocket 3. is it was tied at 50. they out scored carolina 31-10. martins following a jumper. broke a 65 all time. kansas dictated pace of play. north carolina did not go quietly. brady manning a nice put back. the heels led 69-68. here is the next possession. mccormick, key bucket. put kansas in...
Apr 18, 2022
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what if south carolina would have been first?r have been a doubt about joe biden clinching the nomination? will there be better narratives if another state goes first for bernie sanders or pete buttigieg, actually looking back in 2020. >> exactly. how different would the democratic primary have been if south carolina had that early position? tonight i was talking to a dnc insider who said it is near certainty that one of the first states will represent the diversity of the democratic electorate. and this insider pointed to georgia as a possible new option for the early slate and also south carolina is also going to be in there, especially after how decisive it was the last round. and no one can remember the absolute boondoggle of what went down at the ie yeah caucuses last go around in saying, wow, let's just repeat that all over again. that makes a lot of sense. so i'm really glad that the dnc rules committee is looking at this. >> yeah, susan. let me switch gears for a moment and talk about the midterms. mitch mcconnell said he
what if south carolina would have been first?r have been a doubt about joe biden clinching the nomination? will there be better narratives if another state goes first for bernie sanders or pete buttigieg, actually looking back in 2020. >> exactly. how different would the democratic primary have been if south carolina had that early position? tonight i was talking to a dnc insider who said it is near certainty that one of the first states will represent the diversity of the democratic...
Apr 3, 2022
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on the other hand, carolina is in eighth seed.they like to win another championship as well? on the other side of it you've got another blueblood, kansas, trying to win another championship. then villanova is a terrific team that has over the last 15 years escapedhe shadow of the old big east. villanova won the championship in 1985, the great cinderella story. they are not cinderella anymore. they emerged from the ashes of the old big east and now they are the top. you have four great schools. you have three blue-chip legendary franchises with carolina, duke and kansas, and you have the big uand-coming school villanova, moving into the 21st century. jeff: appreciate you bringing i -- you breaking it down for us. thanks for your time. ♪ now a look at how popular culture is drawing greater awareness to the challenges facing public education. i recently spoke to one of th stars of a tv show schooling people on daily realities inside the classroom. it's part of our arts and culture series. habit elementary is a hit new series on abc t
on the other hand, carolina is in eighth seed.they like to win another championship as well? on the other side of it you've got another blueblood, kansas, trying to win another championship. then villanova is a terrific team that has over the last 15 years escapedhe shadow of the old big east. villanova won the championship in 1985, the great cinderella story. they are not cinderella anymore. they emerged from the ashes of the old big east and now they are the top. you have four great schools....
eye 174
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lucky for me, there's some great golf here in the carolinas.ld help you score some great savings on car insurance. maybe even hundreds of dollars. whoa! [chuckles] hole in one! and that's a par five, mind you. geico. switch today and see all the ways you can save. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. ♪ ♪ you guys ever try one of these bars made over at right twix? why? our special cookie is cascaded with caramel and cloaked in chocolate. you never wondered? [ whoosh! zap! ] [ glass breaks ] aah! [ male announcer ] try both. pick a side. twix. even the smallest surprise... can make a big memory... worthy of passing on. kinder joy treat plus new spring toys a little surprise goes a long way >>> and we are back now on "gma" to tell you about the first ever private astronaut mission to the international space station. the crew is set to lift off next week on a trip of a lifetime. this morn
lucky for me, there's some great golf here in the carolinas.ld help you score some great savings on car insurance. maybe even hundreds of dollars. whoa! [chuckles] hole in one! and that's a par five, mind you. geico. switch today and see all the ways you can save. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. ♪ ♪ you guys ever try one of...
Apr 7, 2022
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new tornado watches in effect morgan chesky in south carolina on the damage already done >> reporter: tornadoes, hail, and drenching rains lash the south for the third time in three weeks. >> that's a tornado right there. >> reporter: storms from texas to south carolina spawning more than 50 reported twisters since monday. in alabama, residents rushing to recover from a potential double tornado that left a path of destruction. >> look at this thing go >> reporter: tonight, in leslie, georgia, funnels form as the massive system continues to move south. nearby, in black greek, georgia, stunning video capturing a fast-moving twister tearing through the county where one woman died the outbreak of storms so intense, it prompted a rare tornado emergency in south carolina >> hits you in the gut. >> reporter: ronald scat still can't believe it the twister threw his garage into the woods, left his vehicles untouched, but shredded his entire home have you thought about what if you were inside there >> there's no telling. no way i could have made it if i was in there. >> reporter: now as storms
new tornado watches in effect morgan chesky in south carolina on the damage already done >> reporter: tornadoes, hail, and drenching rains lash the south for the third time in three weeks. >> that's a tornado right there. >> reporter: storms from texas to south carolina spawning more than 50 reported twisters since monday. in alabama, residents rushing to recover from a potential double tornado that left a path of destruction. >> look at this thing go >> reporter:...
Apr 3, 2022
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she had a labor union case in south carolina. shy just did her job as a judge.portant thing you can learn from the jackson nomination is president biden is more worried about the left than he is the middle, he ran as a stead hand on foreign policy, and ran as a centrist. every time he had a hard decision he has gone left. with jackson he went way left. trey: we got about 45 seconds. this is a question that could take 45 minutes, do you think that media treated nomination of amy coney barrett the same they did judge jackson. >> no, i think that the kavanaugh hearing was a debacle. we asked hard questions. they destroyed brown's chance to be on supreme court, they filibustered her, nobody said a word, but when you ask judge jackson a hard question you are racist, they tried to destroy kavanaugh's life, we ask her a few hard questions that is the world in which we live in. trey: we'll have you back. good night from south carolina, "life, liberty and levin" is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, impacter levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." do we have a mantur -
she had a labor union case in south carolina. shy just did her job as a judge.portant thing you can learn from the jackson nomination is president biden is more worried about the left than he is the middle, he ran as a stead hand on foreign policy, and ran as a centrist. every time he had a hard decision he has gone left. with jackson he went way left. trey: we got about 45 seconds. this is a question that could take 45 minutes, do you think that media treated nomination of amy coney barrett...
Apr 28, 2022
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the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. rouzer, for five minutes. mr. rouzer: madam speaker, i rise today in honor of the national day of prayer next week on may 5. the united states has always been a nation of prayer. from our very first settlers to our founding fathers, our leaders have understood the power of prayer and have consistently called the nation to prayer during times of consequence, adversity, conflict, and crisis. since the first call to prayer in 1775 when the continental congress asked the colonists to pray for wisdom as they work to form a nation, the call to pr prayer, first officially established by an act of congress and signed into law by president truman in 1952, the national day of prayer, it remains in strengthening the fabric of our very society today. i would venture to say that 90% of our country's challenges, everything from drug addiction to suicides to infidelity to the breakdown of the family to fraud through the coarseness and vulga vulgarity what we see on television and even political divi
the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. rouzer, for five minutes. mr. rouzer: madam speaker, i rise today in honor of the national day of prayer next week on may 5. the united states has always been a nation of prayer. from our very first settlers to our founding fathers, our leaders have understood the power of prayer and have consistently called the nation to prayer during times of consequence, adversity, conflict, and crisis. since the first call...
Apr 28, 2022
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price of north carolina, i inform the house that mr.l vote yes, he will vote yes on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recog recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by jimmy gomez, julia brownley, sylvia garcia, and joaquin castro, i inform the house that these members will vote yes on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> as the member designated by mr. casten of illinois, i inform the house that mr. cassen -- casten will vote yes on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recog recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by chairwoman waters, i inform the house that the chairwoman will vote yes on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. meyer from the state of michigan, i
price of north carolina, i inform the house that mr.l vote yes, he will vote yes on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recog recognition? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by jimmy gomez, julia brownley, sylvia garcia, and joaquin castro, i inform the house that these members will vote yes on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition?...