Jan 24, 2023
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carolina: gracias.avin newsom, diciendo que estaba preocupado por esta ola de violencia. borja: no es para menos. les damos mÁs detalles de esta Última balacera que estamos aportando el dÍa de hoy. concretamente, donde al menos se 7 personas perdieron la vida por el ataque a un hombre de 67 aÑos. este es un pueblo muy tranquilo, costero, en el norte de california, cerca de campos agrÍcolas. segÚn funcionarios pÚblicos, entre las vÍctimas de esta masacre, habrÍan algunos trabajadores hispanos. carolina: una zona altamente hispana. nos conectamos en vivo en la "ediciÓn digital" con el vicealcalde de esa localidad el seÑor joaquÍn jimÉnez, bienvenido a la "ediciÓn digital". lamentamos muchÍsimo estar hablando con usted en esas condiciones, pero usted cuenta algo importante, que habÍan hasta niÑos presentes cuando ocurriÓ la masacre. es una unidad altamente hispana, ¿de las vÍctimas hay latinos? ¿quÉ nos puede confirmar? buenas tardes. >> buenas tardes. sÍ, desafortunadamente, en uno de los lugares donde oc
carolina: gracias.avin newsom, diciendo que estaba preocupado por esta ola de violencia. borja: no es para menos. les damos mÁs detalles de esta Última balacera que estamos aportando el dÍa de hoy. concretamente, donde al menos se 7 personas perdieron la vida por el ataque a un hombre de 67 aÑos. este es un pueblo muy tranquilo, costero, en el norte de california, cerca de campos agrÍcolas. segÚn funcionarios pÚblicos, entre las vÍctimas de esta masacre, habrÍan algunos trabajadores...
Jan 31, 2023
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rural south carolina is beautiful.al south carolina has everything it needs for beauty, peace, and transquillty but what it needs for good public and economic health is water and sewer. the right water and sewer systems in a county can transform a tax base. that means jobs good schools, strong families, and a safe vibrant community. in 2022 state ruled infrastructure received 800 million in american rescue act plan their purpose replace, repair and consolidate our state's aging and outdated rural water sues we are and storm water infrastructure through competitive grants. in demand exceeded supply and nia received graduate applications in 2022 for almost $2 billion. greatly accepted this year i recommend that a minimum of $380 million in remaining funds used to continue making these transformative water and sewer graduates in our rural communities. there is no infrastructure more in need of big bold and continue investment than our state roads bridges, highways and interstates. our successes are outrunning our infrastr
rural south carolina is beautiful.al south carolina has everything it needs for beauty, peace, and transquillty but what it needs for good public and economic health is water and sewer. the right water and sewer systems in a county can transform a tax base. that means jobs good schools, strong families, and a safe vibrant community. in 2022 state ruled infrastructure received 800 million in american rescue act plan their purpose replace, repair and consolidate our state's aging and outdated...
Jan 19, 2023
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carolina: es un caso terrible para las familias.tas ante la justicia de este paÍs, estados unidos. un juez federal le concediÓ una nueva suspensiÓn provisional que frena su extradiciÓn, por lo que el detenido va a permanecer encarcelado en mÉxico hasta el prÓximo 24 de enero, en el dÍa en el que van a decidir si finalmente extraÍdo estados unidos para enfrentar la justicia o no. borja: este reporte es macabro, las autoridades revelaron pruebas escalofriantes en el caso del esposo que habrÍa asesinado y descuartizado a su esposa, en massachusetts. el hombve busco por internet manera de cÓmo deshacerse del cadÁver, entre ellas desmembramiento, tambiÉn se interesÓ en sierra para cortar metales y cuÁl era la mejor ermita para desmembrar. cosa como "se te puede acusar de asesinatos sin cadÁver?" tambiÉn hallaron bolsas de basura con artÍculos manchados con sangre, las cosas se complican cada vez mÁs para este padre de familia. carolina: tenemos detalles del registro que realizÓ la policial departamento donde vivÍa el presunto asesino de
carolina: es un caso terrible para las familias.tas ante la justicia de este paÍs, estados unidos. un juez federal le concediÓ una nueva suspensiÓn provisional que frena su extradiciÓn, por lo que el detenido va a permanecer encarcelado en mÉxico hasta el prÓximo 24 de enero, en el dÍa en el que van a decidir si finalmente extraÍdo estados unidos para enfrentar la justicia o no. borja: este reporte es macabro, las autoridades revelaron pruebas escalofriantes en el caso del esposo que...
Jan 6, 2023
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carolina party reparte.e viernes, es hora
carolina party reparte.e viernes, es hora
Jan 2, 2023
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carolina: imagino lo difÍcil. >> sÍ.se tratamiento, el mensaje que le mandas a la gente que posiblemente haya visto eso steven redes sociales, pero diga "con este vestido podrÍa yo ayudar a salvar a lucero, que tiene 24 aÑos y estÁ llena de vida y seguramente va a salir adelante". ¿ cuÁl es el mensaje? >> sÍ, que ya el vestido no es como la prioridad, realmente este tipo de situaciones te hacen dar cuenta lo que realmente importa comÍ aquÍ lo que importa es la salud, la vida. las personas a veces son solamente un momento, yo me des vivÍ por esa persona mucho tiempo, casi 2 aÑos, pero para mÍ fue dar todo. darlo todo, me veÍa con Él, yo con el de mis Óvulos, porque puedo quedar estÉril con la quimio, este proceso lo hice con Él, y ya no estÁ, pero eso no quiere decir que un futuro no quiera tener una familia con alguien mÁs, con alguien que realmente me valore. carolina: eso es lo mÁs importante, creo que pensar que estÁs viva, lucero, y seguramente la mamÁ que estÁ viendo la "ediciÓn digital", te mandarÍa a decir "lo que
carolina: imagino lo difÍcil. >> sÍ.se tratamiento, el mensaje que le mandas a la gente que posiblemente haya visto eso steven redes sociales, pero diga "con este vestido podrÍa yo ayudar a salvar a lucero, que tiene 24 aÑos y estÁ llena de vida y seguramente va a salir adelante". ¿ cuÁl es el mensaje? >> sÍ, que ya el vestido no es como la prioridad, realmente este tipo de situaciones te hacen dar cuenta lo que realmente importa comÍ aquÍ lo que importa es la...
Jan 11, 2023
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carolina: si no lo hace quÉ pasa?sa declaraciÓn de apoyo financiero son contrato que la persona va a contar con ese apoyo econÓmico en lo que estÉ durante la estadÍa personal de 2 aÑos en los estados unidos, y de cumplir con eso, tÉcnicamente el gobierno pueda exigir que se le retribuya una la extranjera tambiÉn pudiera acudir a ese dato para exigir la ayuda que se le prometiÓ en un momento dado. borja: puede ser patrocinante de alguien que no forme parte de mi familia pero que sÍ sea mi amigo? >> asÍ es, siempre cuando no haya ningÚn intercambio de dinero, y sea por un lazo afectivo o el deseo de poder ayudarle, carolina: son tantas preguntas, que la gente ha estado mandando nuestra cuenta de facebook, y lo invitamos a que se quede conectado a travÉs de noticiero, pero por facebook para poder responder tantas preguntas, muchas gracias, abogado leal esto ha quedado mucho mÁs claro de antes de noticiero. borja: se disculpa el hombre que generÓ reacciones de indignaciÓn por regar con una manguera a un habitante de la ca
carolina: si no lo hace quÉ pasa?sa declaraciÓn de apoyo financiero son contrato que la persona va a contar con ese apoyo econÓmico en lo que estÉ durante la estadÍa personal de 2 aÑos en los estados unidos, y de cumplir con eso, tÉcnicamente el gobierno pueda exigir que se le retribuya una la extranjera tambiÉn pudiera acudir a ese dato para exigir la ayuda que se le prometiÓ en un momento dado. borja: puede ser patrocinante de alguien que no forme parte de mi familia pero que sÍ sea...
Jan 9, 2023
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. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, quÉ tal, cÓmo estÁn, borja voces y carolina sarassa en este lunes 9 deta es su "ediciÓn digital", bienvenidos. borja: arrancamos con toda la informaciÓn, buenas tardes, estÁn cara a cara los presidentes de estados unidos, joe biden y el de mÉxico, andrÉs manuel lÓpez obrador, para la famosa cumbre de amÉrica del norte, en unas horas estarÁ en integrando el primer canadiense, justin trudeau, los puntos son los siguientes de esta cumbre de los tres Ánimos, lo primero y lo mÁs importante, la crisis migratoria, tambiÉn hablarÁn de narcotrÁfico, de fentanilo en concreto, y de economÍa, este es el primer viaje de el presidente biden a latinoamÉrica desde que llegÓ a la casa blanca, la primera visita de un lÍder estadounidense a mÉxico desde hace mÁs de una dÉcada. carolina: ambos mandatarios se reunieron en "la bestia", el vehÍculo de seguridad del presidente de los estados unidos, joe biden. nos conectamos con la Última informaciÓn al respecto. reportero: buenas tardes. los saludo con gusto desde la zona de polanco de ciudad de mÉxico, lo que estÁn observando
. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, quÉ tal, cÓmo estÁn, borja voces y carolina sarassa en este lunes 9 deta es su "ediciÓn digital", bienvenidos. borja: arrancamos con toda la informaciÓn, buenas tardes, estÁn cara a cara los presidentes de estados unidos, joe biden y el de mÉxico, andrÉs manuel lÓpez obrador, para la famosa cumbre de amÉrica del norte, en unas horas estarÁ en integrando el primer canadiense, justin trudeau, los puntos son los siguientes de esta cumbre de...
Jan 20, 2023
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. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, quÉ tal, cÓmo estÁn?rolina sarassa en este viernes 20 de enero, estÁ eso "ediciÓn digital". borja: comenzamos el noticiero de hoy con una alerta climatolÓgica que estÁ vigente en buena parte del paÍs. una tormenta que se extendÍa desde colorado hasta los grandes lagos, ha empezado a moverse hasta el este de los estados unidos. el movimiento arrojarÍa nevadas y lluvias intensas en new york, new hampshire y maine, pero la nieve tambiÉn caerÁ en el sur de utah, el norte de arizona y otros lugares. carolina: en tanto, seguimos hablando de una noticia que realmente nos impactÓ a todos, seguramente ustedes se acuerdan de esta historia. se entregÓ a las autoridades la madre de las tres niÑas de el salvador, que habrÍan sido abandonadas por un coyote muy cerca del rÍo bravo, y rescatadas por las autoridades mexicanas. genaro: es un caso desgarrador que hemos seguido muy de cerca aquÍ en la "ediciÓn digital", y vamos a conectarnos en vivo con marlene guzmÁn, desde piedras negras, mÉxico, ella tiene lo Último. cuÉn
. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, quÉ tal, cÓmo estÁn?rolina sarassa en este viernes 20 de enero, estÁ eso "ediciÓn digital". borja: comenzamos el noticiero de hoy con una alerta climatolÓgica que estÁ vigente en buena parte del paÍs. una tormenta que se extendÍa desde colorado hasta los grandes lagos, ha empezado a moverse hasta el este de los estados unidos. el movimiento arrojarÍa nevadas y lluvias intensas en new york, new hampshire y maine, pero...
Jan 23, 2023
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carolina: una verdadera tragedia ocurrida este fin de semana.te 2023, y seguimos reportando balaceras. al menos una docenas de personas han resultado heridas, una de ellas estÁ en condiciÓn crÍtica, durante un tiroteo dentro del club nocturno. este incidente no fue al azar, sino dirigido, segÚn la policÍa. la rÁpida respuesta de tres policÍas que estaban en la zona, evitÓ que fuera a un peor. borja: seguimos con este epidemia de las armas y los menores de edad. un grupo de pediatras que en missouri con repollo tienen que atender a niÑos con heridas de bala con poco despuÉs que los pequeÑos juegan con las armas de sus papÁs, estÁn tratando de ser parte de la soluciÓn. han colocado en sus clÍnicas, canastas con seguros para pistolas, que los padres pueden llevarse sin costo alguno. dichos seguros se cierran con una llave o una combinaciÓn, e impiden que el arma pueda dispararse. carolina: gran parte de los centros de bomberos siempre lo ofrecen de forma gratuita, si alguien quiere uno de ellos, puede comunicarse para ver si estÁn todavÍa disponibl
carolina: una verdadera tragedia ocurrida este fin de semana.te 2023, y seguimos reportando balaceras. al menos una docenas de personas han resultado heridas, una de ellas estÁ en condiciÓn crÍtica, durante un tiroteo dentro del club nocturno. este incidente no fue al azar, sino dirigido, segÚn la policÍa. la rÁpida respuesta de tres policÍas que estaban en la zona, evitÓ que fuera a un peor. borja: seguimos con este epidemia de las armas y los menores de edad. un grupo de pediatras que...
Jan 10, 2023
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hoy es martes en 10 de enero, carolina sarassa y un servidor, borja voces, esta es tu "ediciÓn digitalomenzamos. carolina: arrancamos con la terrible tragedia que ocurre esta tarde en california, una familia estÁ desesperada porque su hijito de apenas 5 aÑos fue arrastrado por la corriente de agua, y sÓlo han encontrado su zapato. ya han suspendido su bÚsqueda, y es que en las Últimas horas algunas zonas de california viven momentos devastadores, causados por las intensas lluvias que han inundado sonadas completas y hay peligros . borja: hay vÍctimas y miles de usuarios ya tuvieron interrupciones en el servicio elÉctrico, tanto asÍ que el presidente biden ha emitido declaraciÓn de emergencia para los condados afectados, socorro cruz tiene lo Último. socorro: sÍ, aquÍ en montecito toda la comunidad ha sido evacuada, le pido a mi camarÓgrafo que les muestre, esta es la autopista 101. estÁ completamente cerrada en ambas direcciones, al norte y al sur, le piden las autoridades a la gente que respeten los seÑalamientos de cerrado, cuando vean ustedes que estÁ cerrado el paso, no intenten cr
hoy es martes en 10 de enero, carolina sarassa y un servidor, borja voces, esta es tu "ediciÓn digitalomenzamos. carolina: arrancamos con la terrible tragedia que ocurre esta tarde en california, una familia estÁ desesperada porque su hijito de apenas 5 aÑos fue arrastrado por la corriente de agua, y sÓlo han encontrado su zapato. ya han suspendido su bÚsqueda, y es que en las Últimas horas algunas zonas de california viven momentos devastadores, causados por las intensas lluvias que...
Jan 29, 2023
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south carolina is trump country. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the 45th and soon to be 47th president of the united states, president donald j. trump. mr. trump: wow. thank you very much, so many friends. [applause] thank you, everybody. what a group. a lot of people outside, they went to be inside. do we let them come in? i do not think so. thank you, russell, and what a great job you have done so quickly. i am proud to accept your endorsement and i am thrilled to be back in the great state of south carolina. [applause] won it twice by record numbers, and it is just a real honor. it is incredible place. south carolina takes precedence, you inferred that a bit before. in 2016 this date did just that giving us 44 out of 46 counties. the answer is we are going to get 46 this time, i think we will get all 46. we are here today to announce our campaign's credible south carolina leadership team headed by waterman. thank you, thank you. we have been friends almost from the minute we met. he
south carolina is trump country. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the 45th and soon to be 47th president of the united states, president donald j. trump. mr. trump: wow. thank you very much, so many friends. [applause] thank you, everybody. what a group. a lot of people outside, they went to be inside. do we let them come in? i do not think so. thank you, russell, and what a great job you have done so quickly. i am proud to accept your endorsement and i am thrilled...
Jan 4, 2023
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carolina: gracias.milagro, ese carro tesla de aproximadamente cuatro vueltas. un fuerte sistema de tormenta va directamente al norte de california, aunque se espera que afecte todo ese estado, dejando a su paso hasta 8 pulgadas de lluvia, y ciertas zonas de rÍo que tambiÉn se han desbordado, de suelos que estÁn saturados, por lo que los expertos advierten tomarlo muy en serio, y se esperan nuevas inundaciones, colapsos de ladera, y cortes de energÍa. borja: dicen que este sistema serÁ brutal, y aquÍ en la "ediciÓn digital" te damos ayuda en tu "dÍa —— dÍa a dÍa. que no se te escape. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ borja: lo mÁs importante es buscar alimentos enlatados, tambiÉn es muy importante preparar un botiquÍn de emergencia, hay quepreparar alimentos para las mascotas,. y algo que no se nos olvide, que es importante tambiÉn, cargar los dispositivos electrÓnicos,telÉfonos y portÁtiles, llenar el depÓsito del auto y carga la baterÍa de tu coche, algo tambiÉn importantÍsimo, obedecer las Órdenes de evacuaci
carolina: gracias.milagro, ese carro tesla de aproximadamente cuatro vueltas. un fuerte sistema de tormenta va directamente al norte de california, aunque se espera que afecte todo ese estado, dejando a su paso hasta 8 pulgadas de lluvia, y ciertas zonas de rÍo que tambiÉn se han desbordado, de suelos que estÁn saturados, por lo que los expertos advierten tomarlo muy en serio, y se esperan nuevas inundaciones, colapsos de ladera, y cortes de energÍa. borja: dicen que este sistema serÁ...
Jan 28, 2023
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and move into north carolina. he is out of the war for several months in the meantime things continue to go downhill in the western theater. of course the father is captured in the march to the sea and the capture of savannah and sherman's armies will then turn their eyes towards moving up through the carolinas. and it's in february of 1865, davis will call on johnston and bring him back into the field. something has to be done in the situation of this falling apart here in the west. and davis probably didn't have a lot of other choices and though he personally did not like johnston. it was no secret these two men really didn't get along. their correspondence back and forth and is very critical. when the right to each other and there's no spirit of cooperation. and even one observer, just to show you how widespread this knowledge was would write that if jefferson mr. religion and with him that colors all things. and you have to stop and think about that if he was also focused on trying to get back with jeff davis
and move into north carolina. he is out of the war for several months in the meantime things continue to go downhill in the western theater. of course the father is captured in the march to the sea and the capture of savannah and sherman's armies will then turn their eyes towards moving up through the carolinas. and it's in february of 1865, davis will call on johnston and bring him back into the field. something has to be done in the situation of this falling apart here in the west. and davis...
Jan 5, 2023
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carolina: precauciÓn por allÁ, en california.mccarty no ha conseguido el apoyo preciso para alcanzar los 218 votos para lograrlo. un grupo mÁs conservador de lÍnea dura dentro del partido republicano exige a concesiones, buscar un candidato alternativo, borja: en esta homilÍa el pontÍfice destacÓ su sabidurÍa y humildad, asÍ como la labor dentro de la iglesia desde 2005, cuando reemplazÓ al papÁ juan pablo ii. benedicto xvi fue sepultado en la basÍlica de san pedro, y siempre recordado por todos los fieles catÓlicos del mundo. carolina: en paz descanse, y mÁs adelante, el prÍncipe harry vuelve a encender la polÉmica, tenemos detalles de quÉ es lo que cuenta cerca de su hermano. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ y se olvidó donde estaba. siempre puedes detectar a un primerizo. gain flings con oxi boost y febreeze. mi pasión son las artes marciales. ¡yo nunca me canso de bailar! pero con mi eczema moderado a grave, puede ser complicado. tenía picazón constante. mi piel me hacía sentir muy incómodo. ahora estoy un paso adelante del eczema. hay un poder
carolina: precauciÓn por allÁ, en california.mccarty no ha conseguido el apoyo preciso para alcanzar los 218 votos para lograrlo. un grupo mÁs conservador de lÍnea dura dentro del partido republicano exige a concesiones, buscar un candidato alternativo, borja: en esta homilÍa el pontÍfice destacÓ su sabidurÍa y humildad, asÍ como la labor dentro de la iglesia desde 2005, cuando reemplazÓ al papÁ juan pablo ii. benedicto xvi fue sepultado en la basÍlica de san pedro, y siempre...
Jan 12, 2023
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carolina: excelente recomendaciÓn, quedÓ un poco mÁs tranquila con esa dieta desorganizada.zones que son mucho mÁs importantes. borja: una razÓn mÁs, muchas gracias, doctor juan, fuerte abrazo. se desata tremenda polÉmica en redes sociales, por lo que algunos califican indignante fiesta con una temÁtica de narcos que le hizo el futbolista del cruz azul, cata domÍnguez, su hijo de12 aÑos . en varias fotografÍas se ve al menor y a los invitados con atuendos alusivos con el cÁrtel de sinaloa, el jugador ha pedido disculpa y dijo que no es su familia ni Él notifican este tipo de violencia. carolina: la pregunta para ustedes, familia de la "ediciÓn digital", quÉ opinan de festejar una fiesta infantil con temÁtica de narcos? " triste, pero es la realidad en mÉxico, ojalÁ cambiÓ todo esto". borja: los estÁn intuyendo para una nueva generaciÓn de narcos, mi opiniÓn estÁ mal eso". carolina: carlos sotelo dice "no veo el problema, uno es libre de celebrar como uno quiera". allÍ la polÉmica para ustedes, hasta maÑana. >> el departamento de justicia lleva un histÓrico millonario acuerdo
carolina: excelente recomendaciÓn, quedÓ un poco mÁs tranquila con esa dieta desorganizada.zones que son mucho mÁs importantes. borja: una razÓn mÁs, muchas gracias, doctor juan, fuerte abrazo. se desata tremenda polÉmica en redes sociales, por lo que algunos califican indignante fiesta con una temÁtica de narcos que le hizo el futbolista del cruz azul, cata domÍnguez, su hijo de12 aÑos . en varias fotografÍas se ve al menor y a los invitados con atuendos alusivos con el cÁrtel de...
Jan 25, 2023
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carolina: la pregunta del millÓn es cÓmo te proteges?me pasÓ cuando yo vivÍa en las vegas, nevada. borja: igual que todos utilizamos las tarjetas, creo que a todos una vez nos han clonado la tarjeta. gracias por sus consejos. no te desconecte es de la "ediciÓn digital" porque volvemos con algunos consejos para que el reembolso del pago de tus impuestos te llegue lo mÁs rÁpido posible. mira que es necesario ya. carolina: ademÁs, se vuelve tendencia redes sociales el beso entre bad bunny y el actor gael garcÍa. si usted está tanto por medicare como por medicaid de su estado, hay algo importante que debe saber. ahora, usted podría recibir aún más beneficios de salud de los que ya tiene. es el plan unitedhealthcare dual complete. es fácil saber si cumple los requisitos... llámenos ahora mismo para hablar con nosotros. medicaid le da beneficios y medicare también le ofrece algunos beneficios. pero un plan unitedhealthcare dual complete puede agregar aún más beneficios y características. como copagos de $0 en todos los medicamentos con receta
carolina: la pregunta del millÓn es cÓmo te proteges?me pasÓ cuando yo vivÍa en las vegas, nevada. borja: igual que todos utilizamos las tarjetas, creo que a todos una vez nos han clonado la tarjeta. gracias por sus consejos. no te desconecte es de la "ediciÓn digital" porque volvemos con algunos consejos para que el reembolso del pago de tus impuestos te llegue lo mÁs rÁpido posible. mira que es necesario ya. carolina: ademÁs, se vuelve tendencia redes sociales el beso entre...
Jan 28, 2023
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well, it is wildly popular, even in conservative south carolina. i would encourage all of my conservative colleagues to poll the issue in their districts and their states. and they will be overwhelmingly surprised. and i put forth a bill last session called the states reform act. and the conservative argument is to allow states to have the right to make their own laws on cannabis. and that's what the bill does. but this has been a very long, very expensive, very painful, very harmful war on a plant. and i look at my own life, my own life experiences. when i was raped at the age of 16, s in a really, really vulnerable position, from a mental-health perspective, in getting throug that. and i started self-medicating at the time, not realizing it, 'cause i was young, with cannabis. it cut my anxiety. i could sleep at night. i laughed, i told jokes, i thought i was funny. and i survived. and when you talk to people, whether it's a veteran who's got ptsd, someone with parkinson's or a terminal illness, someone with epilepsy, and you see the miracles that
well, it is wildly popular, even in conservative south carolina. i would encourage all of my conservative colleagues to poll the issue in their districts and their states. and they will be overwhelmingly surprised. and i put forth a bill last session called the states reform act. and the conservative argument is to allow states to have the right to make their own laws on cannabis. and that's what the bill does. but this has been a very long, very expensive, very painful, very harmful war on a...
Jan 27, 2023
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south carolina, south dakota. south carolina, south. tennessee, texas, utah. tennessee, texas, utah. , virginia, virgin islands ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] washington, west virginia, wisconsin, wyoming . washington, west virginia wisconsin, wyoming re there any members of the rnc not voted to do so, he immediately. ... [inaudible conversation] and i will see all of you all are there any members who would like to vote, come to the front immediately. i have your attention. with the owners to each of his days please come to the front immediately. with the tellers for these three candidates for cochair and these come to the front immediately. the polls for cochair is race enclosed. the holes closed. ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] 22. [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] .. [inaudible conversa
south carolina, south dakota. south carolina, south. tennessee, texas, utah. tennessee, texas, utah. , virginia, virgin islands ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] ... [inaudible conversation] washington, west virginia, wisconsin, wyoming . washington, west virginia wisconsin, wyoming re there any members of the rnc not voted to do so, he immediately. ... [inaudible conversation] and i will see all of you all are there any members who would like to vote, come to the front...
Jan 3, 2023
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carolina: se ven hermosos . felicidades.", y ser millonario se serÍa una buena combinaciÓn, el primer sorteo de mega million de este aÑo 2023 era aproximadamente 785 millones de dÓlares, luego de que nadie aceptarÁ los nÚmeros ganadores del viernes, el ciento sorteo es hoy martes, si hay un ganador y Éste recibe un premio, recibirÍa 395 millones de dÓlares. borja: hablando de millones, dicen que los paÍses petroleros ya no saben quÉ hacer con tanto dinero, ahora en arabia saudita han abierto sus puertas, un hotel para camellos. el hotel tiene 480 habitaciones individuales y dobles, los viajeros pueden alojar a sus animales, para poder hospedarse en este hotel, los camellos deben pasar por este examen mÉdico. un hotel cinco estrellas, ahora tambiÉn se vio esto en redes sociales, carolina: el campeÓn del mundo lionel messi fue tendencia, esta vez por el vestuario con el que celebrÓ la llegada del aÑo, messi usÓ una camiseta y un pantalÓn bermuda color verde con franjas naranja. un conjunto de la marca gucci, con un valor de ap
carolina: se ven hermosos . felicidades.", y ser millonario se serÍa una buena combinaciÓn, el primer sorteo de mega million de este aÑo 2023 era aproximadamente 785 millones de dÓlares, luego de que nadie aceptarÁ los nÚmeros ganadores del viernes, el ciento sorteo es hoy martes, si hay un ganador y Éste recibe un premio, recibirÍa 395 millones de dÓlares. borja: hablando de millones, dicen que los paÍses petroleros ya no saben quÉ hacer con tanto dinero, ahora en arabia...
Jan 27, 2023
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into north carolina and then into north carolina. this last phase of the war, i really think is johnston's best. i really do. he is given command of this department. the department of carolinas, florida, and georgia. the carolinas, georgia, and florida. huge territory! a lot of it overrun. railroads broken up. supply lines are disrupted. he has over 100,000 troops. not all in one place, they are scattered through these different states. within a few weeks what he is able to do is reform the army of tennessee, which had been defeated at nashville. back in december, and i mean, destroyed! one of the few cases where you can say an army is destroyed they were in nashville. the army of tennessee is reconstructed. it is joined by forces that have been pulled out of garrison. charleston, wilmington. he cobbles is forced together. he gets it supplied, reequipped, and reorganized, administratively. they fly at the battle of bentonville in march here in eastern north carolina, not far from raleigh. one of the last big battles of the war. johns
into north carolina and then into north carolina. this last phase of the war, i really think is johnston's best. i really do. he is given command of this department. the department of carolinas, florida, and georgia. the carolinas, georgia, and florida. huge territory! a lot of it overrun. railroads broken up. supply lines are disrupted. he has over 100,000 troops. not all in one place, they are scattered through these different states. within a few weeks what he is able to do is reform the...
Jan 30, 2023
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the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina. mr. mchenry: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on this bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr. mchenry: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise in h.r. 582. every day consumers in each of our districts rely on their local credit union to help them with securing a loan, buying a home, saving for retirement or financing tweus. they need to work with their members not wasting valuable resources checking the box on monthly meetings that may not be necessary. this allows credit unions to do important work. this will reduce the frequency of board meetings. certain credit unions will have flexibility. the safety and soundness will be protected. currently, federal credit union boards are required to meet once per month. under the bill's new requirements, federal credit unions with a rating of 1 or 2 will be required to meet six times annually with at least one m
the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina. mr. mchenry: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on this bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr. mchenry: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise in h.r. 582. every day consumers in each of our districts rely on their local credit union to help them with securing a loan, buying a home, saving for retirement...
Jan 30, 2023
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south carolina republican party three-fold since 2017. he's raised more major donor dollars in the south carolina republican party history. finally, as demonstrated his ability to think strategically and act tactically by fighting for election integrity in south carolina before it became a national buzz with election -- buzzword, election integrity. in 2020, he felt the democrats in the state to secure an open fair election by filing court lawsuit all the way up to the supreme court. most important, he's been very proactive working with our legislatures, the governor of south carolina, to implement one of the most rigid and voting rights bill in the country and in the state. that makes it extremely easy in south carolina to vote, and more difficult to cheat. drew is a forward thinking individual and i ask that you come along with us and support drew mckissick for cochair of the national -- republican national committee. thank you. [applause] >> the chair now recognizes a bunch of people from the floor. [laughter] >> thank you, chair. we a
south carolina republican party three-fold since 2017. he's raised more major donor dollars in the south carolina republican party history. finally, as demonstrated his ability to think strategically and act tactically by fighting for election integrity in south carolina before it became a national buzz with election -- buzzword, election integrity. in 2020, he felt the democrats in the state to secure an open fair election by filing court lawsuit all the way up to the supreme court. most...
Jan 27, 2023
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a forward thinking leader that increased grassroots participation in south carolina in the south carolinaepublican 43 fold since 2017. he's raised more major donor dollars in the south carolina republican party history. finally, as demonstrated his ability to think strategically and act tactically by fighting for election integrity in south carolina before it became a national buzz with election integrity. in 2020 he felt the democrats in the state to secure an open fair election by filing court lawsuit all the way up to the supreme court. most important he's been proactive working with our legislatures, the governor of south carolina to implement one of the most stringent voting rights bill in the country in the state and that makes it extremely easy and south carolina to vote and difficult to cheat. he's a forward thinking individual and i ask that you come along with us and support drew for cochair of the republican national committee. thank you. [applause] >> the chair now recognizes a bunch of people from -- [laughter] >> thank you, chair. we are blessed three extraordinary members a
a forward thinking leader that increased grassroots participation in south carolina in the south carolinaepublican 43 fold since 2017. he's raised more major donor dollars in the south carolina republican party history. finally, as demonstrated his ability to think strategically and act tactically by fighting for election integrity in south carolina before it became a national buzz with election integrity. in 2020 he felt the democrats in the state to secure an open fair election by filing...
Jan 27, 2023
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jackson of north carolina. the chair: the gentleman from north carolina is recognized for five minutes. mr. jackson: thank you, mr. chair. we just heard from the gentleman from south carolina that the purpose of this bill was to make sure that the use of our strategic reserve was confined to instances in which there is a national emergency. the purpose of this amendment is very simple. it is to make sure that if we are going to restrict releases from our strategic reserve that it have an exception for national security. that's it. very simple. if you are going to tie the president's hands to respond to an energy crisis, at least include language that allows for a swift response in the event of a threat to our national security. at least do that. i understand the concern about the use of our reserve. i do not understand lack of concern for a future situation, which could call for its use when our national security is at stake. this is a simple amendment. it only adds language with respect to national security. t
jackson of north carolina. the chair: the gentleman from north carolina is recognized for five minutes. mr. jackson: thank you, mr. chair. we just heard from the gentleman from south carolina that the purpose of this bill was to make sure that the use of our strategic reserve was confined to instances in which there is a national emergency. the purpose of this amendment is very simple. it is to make sure that if we are going to restrict releases from our strategic reserve that it have an...
Jan 24, 2023
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our sympathy to tom young senior of aikenville south carolina. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. today, i come before the house of representatives to honor the legacy of captain jonathan benton. he died in a small plane crash. i served our country for over 25 years in the air force and piloted over 4,000 in c-130 and also an instructor and evaluator pilot. he spent over 750 days deployed in supported conflicts in bosnia and iraq. he retired as an international guard national guard. he served as a government affairs chairman and the airline pilots association. he never stopped serving our country. he has continued to advocate on behalf of americans. to his wife and two children, i am truly sorry. your husband and father was a great man and had a big heart and loved you all dearly.
our sympathy to tom young senior of aikenville south carolina. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. today, i come before the house of representatives to honor the legacy of captain jonathan benton. he died in a small...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jan 12, 2023
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north carolina commission for racial and ethnic disparity. chief mattlock, it's wonderful to have you here. thank you very much and we look forward to your presentation. >> thank you and sorry to jump the gun. i appreciate the kind introduction. i served quite a number of years with charlotte mecklenburg police in fayeteville in 2013. as a result, an issue we called here at that time driving while black or driving while back, we had a police chief and a city manager who didn't see there was an issue or problem in fayeteville. as a result, the chief retired and the city manager was fired. a new city manager was brought in and one of his first responsibilities was to hire a police chief to hopefully repair some of the items or the issues that the police department faced with its community. so as a result of that, i took the reigns in early 2013 and quickly as i prepared to go to fayeteville do quite a bit of research and for an old country boy, i'm pretty data driven and i did all the research i could and data. in north carolina, we have 20 yea
north carolina commission for racial and ethnic disparity. chief mattlock, it's wonderful to have you here. thank you very much and we look forward to your presentation. >> thank you and sorry to jump the gun. i appreciate the kind introduction. i served quite a number of years with charlotte mecklenburg police in fayeteville in 2013. as a result, an issue we called here at that time driving while black or driving while back, we had a police chief and a city manager who didn't see there...
Jan 2, 2023
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and he was going to go to mary in south carolina when he got off ellis island -- marion, south carolinahen he got off ellis island. he stayed the night at the train depot. no one came to pick him up so finally a conductor pulled him on the train and took him to charlotte. there was an arabic family around the coffee shop at the train station. they talk about the mixup. they gave him a job. he started washing dishes and became a peddler. he went back and get the rest of his family. i had made enough money to get a wagon and they went to the countryside selling cloth, sewing materials, shoes, stuff like that. and then that evolved into john mack and sons. john mack was my grandfather's name. it was a clothing department store. my father who was an entrepreneur decided he wanted to be totally on his own and he started wholesale street business. david: they wanted you to go into that business at some point? john: i don't think my father did. my mother was a very strong force. she only wanted me to be a doctor. and i really did not want to be a doctor. my father was laid back. and my mother
and he was going to go to mary in south carolina when he got off ellis island -- marion, south carolinahen he got off ellis island. he stayed the night at the train depot. no one came to pick him up so finally a conductor pulled him on the train and took him to charlotte. there was an arabic family around the coffee shop at the train station. they talk about the mixup. they gave him a job. he started washing dishes and became a peddler. he went back and get the rest of his family. i had made...
Jan 7, 2023
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for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina rise? >> madam clerk i'm honored to rise tonight to nominate my good friend, the gentleman from california, kevin mccarthy to serve as speaker of the house. the clerk of the house: the gentleman will suspend. the gentleman will suspend. the question recurs on the election of a speaker and the tellers will please come forward and take their seats. the gentleman is recognized for his nomination. >> madam clerk. i'm honored to rise tonight to nominate my good friend, the gentleman from california, kevin mccarthy, to serve as speaker of this house. madam clerk, it's been a long week. and a lot of attention has been placed upon us here in the house. but the again, i state that to the most famous woman in washington this week. it was a better joke as written, actually, than delivered. but i want to start by thanking the men and women who make this house run. from the janitorial staff to the parliamentarians to the the door keepers to the sergeant at arms to the capitol police officers to the men
for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina rise? >> madam clerk i'm honored to rise tonight to nominate my good friend, the gentleman from california, kevin mccarthy to serve as speaker of the house. the clerk of the house: the gentleman will suspend. the gentleman will suspend. the question recurs on the election of a speaker and the tellers will please come forward and take their seats. the gentleman is recognized for his nomination. >> madam clerk. i'm honored to...
Jan 7, 2023
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the gentleman from north carolina, mr. hudson. the gentleman from south carolina, mr. clyburn. gentleman from alabama, mr. palmer. the gentleman from colorado, mr. neguse. the gentlewoman from oklahoma, ms. bice. the gentlewoman from texas, ms. escobar. the gentlewoman from indiana. the gentlewoman from illinois, ms. underwood. the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. cole. the gentleman from minnesota, mr. phillips. the gentleman from north carolina, mr. mchenry. the gentlewoman from california ms. barbara lee. the gentleman from louisiana, mr. graves. the gentlewoman from florida ms. wasserman schultz. the gentleman from arkansas, mr. the gentleman from rhode island, mr. cicilline. the gentleman from texas, mr. roy. the gentlewoman from virginia, ms. spanberger. the gentleman from florida, mr. donalds. the gentlewoman from california, ms. jacobs. the gentleman from north carolina, mr. bishop. the gentlewoman from texas, ms. crockett. the members of the california -- and the members of the california delegation. ms. pelosi. ms. waters. mr. calvert. ms. eshoo. ms. lofgren. mr. sherman.
the gentleman from north carolina, mr. hudson. the gentleman from south carolina, mr. clyburn. gentleman from alabama, mr. palmer. the gentleman from colorado, mr. neguse. the gentlewoman from oklahoma, ms. bice. the gentlewoman from texas, ms. escobar. the gentlewoman from indiana. the gentlewoman from illinois, ms. underwood. the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. cole. the gentleman from minnesota, mr. phillips. the gentleman from north carolina, mr. mchenry. the gentlewoman from california ms....
Jan 9, 2023
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in a small town called sally, south carolina. what he knew then some doubt now. so 100 years later we're doubting the goodness of our own country in a way that's become popularized through the tribal nature that some are trying to see america in that sort of prism of tribalism. the truth is that we are better today than we were certainly in 1921 and my grandfather's confidence being better versus being bitter is the only goal in life. if you wanted to be a victor, you cannot be a victim. that concept was embedded in his heart and he knew then and some doubt now, he believed in the future of america better than the past and he lived long enough to watch his grandson pick up a seat in congress because of the goodness of america and one of the things i hope that we're able to uncover is the truth of who we are. and the truth is we're better today than we've ever been. ... . the truth is we are better off today than we've ever been. we are in the right place to the good news is whenet the rit place to get it done. >> i can already te
in a small town called sally, south carolina. what he knew then some doubt now. so 100 years later we're doubting the goodness of our own country in a way that's become popularized through the tribal nature that some are trying to see america in that sort of prism of tribalism. the truth is that we are better today than we were certainly in 1921 and my grandfather's confidence being better versus being bitter is the only goal in life. if you wanted to be a victor, you cannot be a victim. that...
Jan 6, 2023
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bishop of north carolina. bishop of north carolina. blumenauer, jeffries. blunt rochester, jeffries. boebert. hern. bonamici, jeffries. bost, mccarthy. bowman, jeffries. the clerk of the house: will the house be in order. the clerk: boyle of pennsylvania, jeffries. brecheen. brecheen, hern. brown, jeffries. brownley, jeffries. buchanan, mccarthy. buck, mccarthy. bucshon, mccarthy. budzinski, jeffries. burchett, mccarthy. burgess, mccarthy. burlison, mccarthy. bush, jeffries. calvert, mccarthy. cammack. cammack, mccarthy. caraveo, jeffries. carbajal, jeffries. cardenas, jeffries. carey, mccarthy. carl, mccarthy. carson, jeffries. carter of georgia, mccarthy. carter of louisiana, jeffries. carter of texas, mccarthy. cartwright, jeffries. casar, jeffries. case, jeffries. casten, jeffries. castor of florida, jeffries. castro of texas, jeffries. chavez-deremer, mccarthy. cherfilus-mccormick, jeffries. chu, jeffries. cicilline, jeffries. ciscomani, mccarthy. clark of massachusetts, jeffries. clarke of new york, jeffries. cleaver, jeffries. cline, mccarthy. cloud.
bishop of north carolina. bishop of north carolina. blumenauer, jeffries. blunt rochester, jeffries. boebert. hern. bonamici, jeffries. bost, mccarthy. bowman, jeffries. the clerk of the house: will the house be in order. the clerk: boyle of pennsylvania, jeffries. brecheen. brecheen, hern. brown, jeffries. brownley, jeffries. buchanan, mccarthy. buck, mccarthy. bucshon, mccarthy. budzinski, jeffries. burchett, mccarthy. burgess, mccarthy. burlison, mccarthy. bush, jeffries. calvert, mccarthy....
Jan 24, 2023
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nbc news katie back has more. >> the tiny town of walterboro, south carolina. epicenter of intrigue. >> governor thing to say? >> the widely watched murder trial of former attorney alex murdaugh underway. he's charged with killing his wife maggie and son, paul, and june of 2021. his defense claims he is and isn't, the killer is still at large. but prosecutors contend he snapped under the pressure of his secret life unraveling. his motive, they say, the kind of sympathy and distract from a series of financial crimes, where murdaugh stole millions of dollars from his family law for him and from clients. >> it's circumstantial evidence case. >> attorney eric bland represents the satterfield family. gloria satterfield, murdaugh's former housekeeper, died at his home in 2018. and murdaugh confessed to stealing millions from -- cause of death was never determined and police are investigation. especially here in low, country where murdaugh as a household name. >> everybody says, well, we want jurors that don't know anything about this case. >> that's impossible. >> it
nbc news katie back has more. >> the tiny town of walterboro, south carolina. epicenter of intrigue. >> governor thing to say? >> the widely watched murder trial of former attorney alex murdaugh underway. he's charged with killing his wife maggie and son, paul, and june of 2021. his defense claims he is and isn't, the killer is still at large. but prosecutors contend he snapped under the pressure of his secret life unraveling. his motive, they say, the kind of sympathy and...
Jan 5, 2023
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bishop of north carolina. bishop of north carolina. blumenauer, jeffries. blunt rochester, jeffries. boebert. boebert, hern. bonamici, jeffries. bost, mccarthy. bowman, jeffries. boyle of pennsylvania, jeffries. brecheen, hern. brown, jeffries. brownley, jeffries. buchanan, mccarthy. buck. buck. bucshon, mccarthy. budzinski, jeffries. burchett, mccarthy. burgess, mccarthy. burlison, mccarthy. bush, jeffries. calvert, mccarthy. cammack. cammack. caraveo, jeffries. carbajal, jeffries. carbajal, jeffries. cardenas, jeffries. carey, mccarthy. carl, mccarthy. carson, jeffries. carter of georgia, mccarthy. carter of louisiana. carter of louisiana, jeffries. carter of texas, mccarthy. cartwright, jeffries. casar, jeffries. case, jeffries. casten, jeffries. castor of florida, jeffries. castro of texas, jeffries. chavez-deremer, mccarthy. cherfilus-mccormick, jeffries. chu, jeffries. cicilline, jeffries. ciscomani, mccarthy. clark of massachusetts. clark of massachusetts, jeffries. clarke of new york, jeffries. cleaver, jeffries. cline, mccarthy. cloud, donalds. cly
bishop of north carolina. bishop of north carolina. blumenauer, jeffries. blunt rochester, jeffries. boebert. boebert, hern. bonamici, jeffries. bost, mccarthy. bowman, jeffries. boyle of pennsylvania, jeffries. brecheen, hern. brown, jeffries. brownley, jeffries. buchanan, mccarthy. buck. buck. bucshon, mccarthy. budzinski, jeffries. burchett, mccarthy. burgess, mccarthy. burlison, mccarthy. bush, jeffries. calvert, mccarthy. cammack. cammack. caraveo, jeffries. carbajal, jeffries. carbajal,...
Jan 29, 2023
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drumming up support in two key early voting states, new hampshire and south carolina his events todayery different from the big rallies we usually see. vaughn hillyard reports from columbia, south carolina. >> reporter: former president trump hitting the campaign trail for the first time today the gop presidential contest one year away. >> this is about the beginning, you know this is it we're starting we're starting right here. >> reporter: the former president kicking off his comeback effort with stops in two key early voting states. >> i'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful state south carolina picks presidents. >> trump trump! trump! trump! >> reporter: the visit not his traditional mega rally but before this weekend, trump had not held a single campaign event outside of florida since announcing his 2024 campaign. >> i'm more angry now and i'm more committed now than i ever was. >> reporter: despite the multiple investigations into his family's corporation and his actions as president after the 2020 election, trump remains the only major gop candidate a morning consult poll sho
drumming up support in two key early voting states, new hampshire and south carolina his events todayery different from the big rallies we usually see. vaughn hillyard reports from columbia, south carolina. >> reporter: former president trump hitting the campaign trail for the first time today the gop presidential contest one year away. >> this is about the beginning, you know this is it we're starting we're starting right here. >> reporter: the former president kicking off...
Jan 27, 2023
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there was strip mining in place in north carolina. that was being developed and one of his reporters, a woman who basically was not an investigative reporter, but he put her on the case anyways. >> i just would love to say, a woman reporter. he had more women reporters than most newspapers did back then. people like bonnie angelo, he was much better than his dear friend, scotty. on that particular issue. >> i think you're right, yeah. anyways, he put this woman, arlene edwards, on the story. she said, i started to call the mining companies and they lied to me. as soon as they lied to me i said, okay, we're going to get them. one wallace carroll said, okay, let's go after this. for both for five months, almost every day, they had something and about the mining that was going on, why this changes to the environment, so, and so forth. finally, the company said we're going to stop this. the company pulled out. there has been no strip mining in western north carolina, which is a beautiful part of the country, by the way. ever since then. t
there was strip mining in place in north carolina. that was being developed and one of his reporters, a woman who basically was not an investigative reporter, but he put her on the case anyways. >> i just would love to say, a woman reporter. he had more women reporters than most newspapers did back then. people like bonnie angelo, he was much better than his dear friend, scotty. on that particular issue. >> i think you're right, yeah. anyways, he put this woman, arlene edwards, on...
Jan 21, 2023
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north carolina -- i would have thought north carolina would have been higher than south carolina will: want to get a fact check, governor ambassador haley, proud of her state and south carolina the problem is every state feels like california is flooding her state. leaving nevada, we've got to be third. rachel: everybody is feeling the exodus. six more behind them. rachel: that's a great idea, move as a neighborhood. but i like you guys. let's all go. yesterday i was with my friends. i went to the march for life, which it was the first march for life since the roe v wade decision was overturned instead of ending the march in front of the supreme court it ended in front of congress because now the battle is at the legislature level both federally and at the state level. it was great, when i was there so many people, you know frankly really great for donald trump and i spoke with franklin graham and he said donald trump, mike pence and said don't forget that mitch mcconnell was instrumental in this too as, you know, we would have a justice merri bowlk garland if it wasn't for -- you hav
north carolina -- i would have thought north carolina would have been higher than south carolina will: want to get a fact check, governor ambassador haley, proud of her state and south carolina the problem is every state feels like california is flooding her state. leaving nevada, we've got to be third. rachel: everybody is feeling the exodus. six more behind them. rachel: that's a great idea, move as a neighborhood. but i like you guys. let's all go. yesterday i was with my friends. i went to...
Jan 5, 2023
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davis of north carolina. davis of north carolina, jeffries. dean of pennsylvania, jeffries. degette, jeffries. de la cruz, mccarthy. delauro, jeffries. delbene, jeffries. deluzio, jeffries. desaulnier, jeffries. desjarlais, mccarthy. de-esposito -- d'esposito, mccarthy. diaz-balart, mccarthy. dingell, jeffries. doggett, jeffries. donalds, donalds. duarte, mccarthy. duncan, mccarthy. dunn of florida, mccarthy. edwards, mccarthy. ellzey, mccarthy. emmer, mccarthy. escobar, jeffries. eshoo, jeffries. espaillat, jeffries. estes, mccarthy. evans, jeffries. ezell, mccarthy. fallon, mccarthy. feenstra, mccarthy. ferguson, mccarthy. finstad, mccarthy. fischbach, mccarthy. fitzgerald, mccarthy. fitzpatrick, mccarthy. fleischmann, mccarthy. fletcher, jeffries. food, mccarthy. foster, jeffries. foushee, jeffries. foxx, mccarthy. lois frankel, jeffries. c. scott franklin, mccarthy. frost, jeffries. fry, mccarthy. fulcher, mccarthy. gaetz, donalds. gallagher, mccarthy. gallego, jeffries. garamendi, jeffries. garbarino. garbarino. mike garcia, mccarthy. robert garcia, jeffries. garcia of
davis of north carolina. davis of north carolina, jeffries. dean of pennsylvania, jeffries. degette, jeffries. de la cruz, mccarthy. delauro, jeffries. delbene, jeffries. deluzio, jeffries. desaulnier, jeffries. desjarlais, mccarthy. de-esposito -- d'esposito, mccarthy. diaz-balart, mccarthy. dingell, jeffries. doggett, jeffries. donalds, donalds. duarte, mccarthy. duncan, mccarthy. dunn of florida, mccarthy. edwards, mccarthy. ellzey, mccarthy. emmer, mccarthy. escobar, jeffries. eshoo,...
Jan 10, 2023
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town called sally, south carolina. what he knew then, some doubt now. one hundred years later we are doubting the goodness of our ows country. in a way that has become popularized to the tribal nature that some are trying to see america and that prism of tribalism. the truth is we are better she did and we certainly were 1921. my grandfather's confidence in being better versus bitter was the only goal in life it. if you l want to be a victor you cannot be a victim. that concept was embedded in his heart. he knew then it was some doubt now he believed in the goodness of america but he believed the future is better than the past. he lived long enough to watch his grandson pick out a seat in congress because the goodness in america. one of thingsgo i hope we are ae to uncover is a truth of who we are for the truth of who we are is better to him with ever been. i got punched in some areas of our nations. but the truth is we are so much better off today and we have ever been and i believe the best is still yet to come. goin
town called sally, south carolina. what he knew then, some doubt now. one hundred years later we are doubting the goodness of our ows country. in a way that has become popularized to the tribal nature that some are trying to see america and that prism of tribalism. the truth is we are better she did and we certainly were 1921. my grandfather's confidence in being better versus bitter was the only goal in life it. if you l want to be a victor you cannot be a victim. that concept was embedded in...
Jan 3, 2023
eye 175
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jackson of north carolina, jeffries. jackson of texas, mccarthy. jackson lee. ms. jackson lee: i proudly stand to vote for speaker hakeem jeffries. the clerk: jeffries. jacobs, jeffries. james, mccarthy. jayapal, jeffries. jeffries, jeffries. johnson of georgia, jeffries. johnson of louisiana, mccarthy. johnson of ohio, mccarthy. johnson of south dakota, mccarthy. jordan, mccarthy. joyce of ohio, mccarthy. joyce of pennsylvania, mccarthy. kamlager-dove, jeffries. kaptur, jeffries. kean of new jersey, mccarthy. keating, jeffries. kelly of illinois, jeffries. kelly of mississippi, mccarthy. kelly of pennsylvania, mccarthy. khanna, jeffries. kiggans of virginia, mccarthy. kildee, jeffries. kiley, mccarthy. kilmer, jeffries. kim of california, mccarthy. kim of new jersey, jeffries. krishnamoorthi, jeffries. kuster, jeffries. kustoff, mccarthy. lahood, mccarthy. lalota, mccarthy. lamalfa, mccarthy. lamborn. lamborn: as long as it takes, mccarthy. the clerk: mccarthy. landsman, jeffries. langworthy, mccarthy. larsen of washington, jeffries. larson of connecticut, jeffrie
jackson of north carolina, jeffries. jackson of texas, mccarthy. jackson lee. ms. jackson lee: i proudly stand to vote for speaker hakeem jeffries. the clerk: jeffries. jacobs, jeffries. james, mccarthy. jayapal, jeffries. jeffries, jeffries. johnson of georgia, jeffries. johnson of louisiana, mccarthy. johnson of ohio, mccarthy. johnson of south dakota, mccarthy. jordan, mccarthy. joyce of ohio, mccarthy. joyce of pennsylvania, mccarthy. kamlager-dove, jeffries. kaptur, jeffries. kean of new...
Jan 21, 2023
eye 38
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catherine lives in anderson, south carolina with her husband leo please join me in welcoming catherine smith. well, i was telling patrick if i had a moonshine samples. it might have drawn a bigger crowd in today. we'll still have a good time without it. baptist and bootleggers, you may be wondering how i came up with that title and the answer is my father is an economist an academic economist. he's taught it for many years at clemson university. and he had a theory he developed a theory of government regulation about 35 years ago that he called. bootleggers and baptists and the way that theory goes is it's that regulation will be more durable if there is a coalition of moral interests pushing for it and echo and capitalists who have a profit motive. and the example he gave was the on sundays in the south it was his legal to sell alcohol for many years some places it still is the baptists are in favor of that because it's ascend sin to drink on sunday. and most other days too and the the bootleggers are in favor of it because that opens the market for them they can they can the only pla
catherine lives in anderson, south carolina with her husband leo please join me in welcoming catherine smith. well, i was telling patrick if i had a moonshine samples. it might have drawn a bigger crowd in today. we'll still have a good time without it. baptist and bootleggers, you may be wondering how i came up with that title and the answer is my father is an economist an academic economist. he's taught it for many years at clemson university. and he had a theory he developed a theory of...
Jan 4, 2023
eye 389
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jackson of north carolina, jeffries. jackson of texas, mccarthy. jackson lee. ms. jackson lee: i proudly stand to vote for speaker hakeem jeffries. the clerk: jeffries. jacobs, jeffries. james, mccarthy. jayapal, jeffries. jeffries, jeffries. johnson of georgia, jeffries. johnson of louisiana, mccarthy. johnson of ohio, mccarthy. johnson of south dakota, mccarthy. jordan, mccarthy. joyce of ohio, mccarthy. joyce of pennsylvania, mccarthy. kamlager-dove, jeffries. kaptur, jeffries. kean of new jersey, mccarthy. keating, jeffries. kelly of illinois, jeffries. kelly of mississippi, mccarthy. kelly of pennsylvania, mccarthy. khanna, jeffries. kiggans of virginia, mccarthy. kildee, jeffries. kiley, mccarthy. kilmer, jeffries. kim of california, mccarthy. kim of new jersey, jeffries. krishnamoorthi, jeffries. kuster, jeffries. kustoff, mccarthy. lahood, mccarthy. lalota, mccarthy. lamalfa, mccarthy. lamborn. lamborn: as long as it takes, mccarthy. the clerk: mccarthy. landsman, jeffries. langworthy, mccarthy. larsen of washington, jeffries. larson of connecticut, jeffrie
jackson of north carolina, jeffries. jackson of texas, mccarthy. jackson lee. ms. jackson lee: i proudly stand to vote for speaker hakeem jeffries. the clerk: jeffries. jacobs, jeffries. james, mccarthy. jayapal, jeffries. jeffries, jeffries. johnson of georgia, jeffries. johnson of louisiana, mccarthy. johnson of ohio, mccarthy. johnson of south dakota, mccarthy. jordan, mccarthy. joyce of ohio, mccarthy. joyce of pennsylvania, mccarthy. kamlager-dove, jeffries. kaptur, jeffries. kean of new...
Jan 30, 2023
eye 75
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he made stops in new hampshire and south carolina.while, president biden still hasn't officially declared he's running for re-election. at our latest nbc news poll is shedding new light on the political climate and where both stand. joining me now nbc news national political correspondent steve kornacki, nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard in fort mills, south carolina, and nbc news correspondent shaquille brewster in manchester, new hampshire. steve, walk us through this new nbc polling. >> as we enter 2023 start thinking about 2024. what our new polling shows is a political climate that still looks very much like it did in 2022 in the midterm election year. what that means is joe biden's popularity pretty low, a 45% approval rating, 50% disapproval rating. those numbers really consistent with what we saw all throughout 2022. one of the reasons why expectations for democrats heading into the 2022 midterms were so low. biden's approval rating was sitting there in the mid-40s. it's still there. something else we saw throughout the f
he made stops in new hampshire and south carolina.while, president biden still hasn't officially declared he's running for re-election. at our latest nbc news poll is shedding new light on the political climate and where both stand. joining me now nbc news national political correspondent steve kornacki, nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard in fort mills, south carolina, and nbc news correspondent shaquille brewster in manchester, new hampshire. steve, walk us through this new nbc polling....