clear, because there are some, may i say, more realistic mps, i will name a couple, gareth snell, caroline flintuote gareth snell, "i think the labour party has to be very careful that we are not unwittingly becoming the midwife to a no—deal brexit," that‘s what he sees in the position you have just laid out. theresa may would like to caricature this vote as a vote on any deal she can get or no deal. that is not actually what parliament‘s about. parliament is about delivering for the people. and, therefore, if we don‘t like the deal that she comes back with — and let me just say, i see no prospect of theresa may getting this deal through... that‘s by the by, but we are talking about the labour party... it‘s not by the by, it‘s fundamental! we‘re talking about the labour party‘s position and the labour party‘s responsibility. our responsibility is to oppose and to stand up for working people. you are going to make a no—deal brexit much more likely, that‘s the truth. absolutely not! because what we have said is that we would seek an amendment asking for a people‘s vote. so why does it make it more