munchkins wizard of oz cast and production team list cast " dorothy gale: caroline chisholm " scarecrow: jack manion " tinman: tyler kuhlman " cowardly lion: sean mette " aunt em/glinda: sarah viola " almira gulch/the wicked witch of the " uncle henry/gatekeeper of oz: will reed " professor marvel/the wizard of oz: jeff richardson " adult ensemble: jennifer barnaba, derek harper, cody roberts, megan urz " youth ensemble: olivia bayer, ben dropic, maya hunt, charlie klesa, sara moore, jackson schabell, mark schutzman, audrey stith production team " director: matthew wilson " music director: j. r. cassidy, kentucky symphony orchestra conductor " vocal director: steve hinnenkamp " choreographer: maggie perrino " costume designer: alison lechlak " wig designer: stacy vest select bios j.r. cassidy music director kentucky symphony orchestra kso music director james cassidy founded the kso in 1992 to make symphonic music attractive, accessible and affordable. filling northern kentucky with engaging music and opportunities for families, students and musicians from around the region to experience and create a new blend of c