carolyn glick, an israeli journalist most of have read her material and you know she created this website, it's a weekly program of satirical comedy to help people see the absurdity of the arab claims against israel. and i'm sure all of you have seen this brilliant video. the lyrics to one -- i wish i could sing it to you but i can't. i'd scare all of you away, it's we con the world. this is the arabs speaking. we conned the world. we conned the people. we'll make the world abandon reason. for facts there's no demand. we'll gain the upper hand. the truth will never find its way to your tv. and when you see this video played on your youtube, whatever you can pull it up on your computer at any time, all the singers are dressed with arab hats and so on. that is con and this is abandoning of reason and the truth never reaches your tv and these are the problems. and we know that the "new york times" with ethan branna, who is the jerusalem reporter, is somebody who i met in israel. he actually came, you know, they sponsor trips to israel twice a year. he actually joined us on one of