carolyn maloney, she and i don't see a lot alike on a lot of issues. we disagree on a lot of things. we don't speak the same language. she's from new york. i'm from texas. we need an interpreter even when we talk to each other. but on this issue it is an american issue, and i appreciate the work that she's done and others on both sides on focusing in on trying to solve this problem. once again, jon cornyn in the senate is leading the efforts er there. and so what we're going to do on this piece of legislation is , law fix current law that was first originated i think by chris smith from new jersey years ago. and here's -- let me explain to you the problem with this. when a victim from another country is trafficked into the united states -- and let's use a girl, a young girl -- because she's from a foreign country and she's trafficked internationally into the united states, and if she's rescued she is able to receive certain services from the health -- from health and human services. she can be certified as a human trafficking victim. once she receives