. >> i am carolyn roger. to be brief i am here with one clear and special message. our neighborhood supports and needs a full-service grocery, approving the whole foods 365 proposal to locate at 1600 jackson street site is in our opinion the most reasonable, feasible, and timely way to meet this need. we know this from the survey we conducted, the meetings we attended, the letters we and you received, the 160 individuals that signed a support statement and those who are here to speak on the support. we are aware that other neighborhood associations have taken a different position. we want to assure all of you that we are distressed about increasing traffic and congestion but we also believe that more and more housing cannot be responsibly built without providing the basic services that both current and future residents need. the proposal before you is an important opportunity to meet that need in a timely and sustainable manner with a business because the resources and proven track record to serve our community for the long haul. san francisco is blessed by the vita