in native languguage) (singing in natiti language) fourth man: so, i wanted to say this leg, this carposis, is stage 4 of hiv and aids, see? so if--i know if i could have taken the drugs (unclear) i think i could have not--it would have not come to this extent. that's just because it was too late. so, i used to say, "if i could find my friends (unclear) go there." i used to say, "please, guys, go to the hospital just so that they should discover (unclear)." god also give me a talent of composing songs, so, i've got a task of composing songs and spreading the message. and, um, teaching my friends songs and the like. this song is (unclear). and it is advising some (unclear) take care of themselvlves just because this time the worldld is full of hiv and aids. so, thisis is the numbmber. play, guys. (jazz music playing) (singing in native language) so, (unclear), there are two things involved, you know. (woman laughing) man: yeah, yeah. there are two things involved. (unclear) sesecond woman: keeping involve, (unclear). fourth m man: if you contract hv and aids, there are two things involved.