tell us a story or two about someone famous you must have worked with many outstanding people like carreon. correct or a small steroid couple yeah there i can say for us what about their lives they must conduct themselves differently when they're with you not in public use up one of their life in their daily lives to be asked to like i can say no then normal people hire their professional and intellectual level is more the conduct themselves simple and normal people but they're probably not soo nice when you talk to them you know genius you know they're very nice people and it comes just a person does not need to pretend to be something he's not the only people who lack something pretty all complied with clothes and so forth this in other words you mean there are more normal even more than those who are around them. you know domingo said once when he celebrated his seventieth anniversary. if i had. i get covered with the rest surely unquote scarcity we judging from what you have said here really you subscribe to these words absolutely. also enclose of professionalism we can't afford i'll m