speaking of love, carrie keegan is onset today. i would give her a paper cut. >>> all right, well, the republicans have unveiled their pledge to america. it can only be described as pledgee. their so-called promises include ending all job-killing tax hikes and immediate reduction in federal spending, repealing healthcare reform and replacing it with a giant bunny. demanding that terrorism suspects be kept off u.s. soil and deporting -- the best of all, deporting justin bieber to another country, preferably hawaii. con congressional republican #r*z pushing jobs overseas and blow a $700 billion hole in the deficit to give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires and turn social security from a guaranteed benefit into a guaranteed gamble. they also added that if the pledge were to succeed, the flesh of orphans would be used as coasters in the private hovercraft. meanwhile, here is the most depressing ad in western civilization. >> there is mourning in america. today, 15 million men and women won't have the opportunity to go to work.