some because there is no affordable, high-quality day carrie motorly near where they live, and it's not a choice. they don't have a choice. i mean, their choice is to spend more on day care than their salaries bring in, so they can work. and i've heard story after story about this, and they're also very powerful statistics about this. the other thing is that women are much more likely than men who be slaughtered into service jobs, and service jobs are much less responsive to the push for flex time than other kinds of jobs are. if you're a waitress and you've got your shift, you've got your shift. now sometimes you can switch your shift with somebody else, but if you're a chamber maid, you have to be there at whatever it is, 8:00 a.m. in the morning and so on and so forth. so there are lots of constraints around women, particularly women who are in the top 20 jobs in the country, being able to juggle work and family, and they have virtually no support from the government. and we have the most pathetic public policies for women and families of any industrialized nation, and you talk to an