stewart said, look at the videotape of carroll ingram. you will believe carroll ingram. the senate sat there with the quorum, with great dignity, asking questions through written questions promulgated by the presiding officer. not once was the united states senate urged to bring a specific witness. in fact, the argument presented to the united states senate in this case was, we want you to go through this mountain of materials, and you will see so many contradictions and testimony by various and sundry witnesses that the case against judge nixon falls apart. let me come back to the theoretical point. the theoretical point is what impeachment means. we don't rest our submission on sole power to try. we think that is indicative of the framers' intent, but our submission rests in part on the structure of the constitution itself and what impeachment means, as well as the fact that the end result of impeachment of an officer of the executive branch or an officer of the judiciary is a judgment. and the constitution by its terms contemplates, says that the president, vice presi