. >> if you liky, you raise a carroty, all right. >> next we're going to add a little whipped butter. >> absolutely. >> add this egg in. stir it around. >> let it go around. >> mix the entire thing. >> got to be mixed. this is what you're going to get. remember, you're going to taste this, regis. you're going to taste this. >> and how many calories will this be? >> only 70 calories. >> go ahead and taste. >> can i ask you what this is doing here? >> after you're going to taste that you're going to give me a carrot up or carrot down. i want you to be totally honest. you like it? >> it's a carrot up. >> no, this is good. >> be sure to keep those challenges coming. klg and hoda.com. >> all of these are on the website. >> we turn your food into healthier versions. >>> do you like to get free stuff? >> who doesn't? >> i hear we're about to give it away! on nbc.bc. >>> before we say good-bye on this booze day tuesday, we're going to make five very lucky viewers happy. it's time to give it away. >> a clarisonic prize package worth $454. >> you're going to get a smart profile that can gently