carskadon is saying, it's really about education.nd you need to educate the school board about the issue. and what we find is that once you begin to do that i mean the argument that you make is so strong that, because you're talking about their well-being you're talking about their being prepared to learn when they show up to school, that it's really hard to be opposed to it once you understand the issue. >> thank you. that's very helpful. my final question is just a bit of a curiosity thing. i read recently this term that i thought was very interesting it was central jet lag and the concept being that even people who aren't using you know going on long-distance air travel can have circadian disruption or dysrhythmia just by their lifestyles. it strikes me adolescents, even well intentioned adolescents on school nights might have very different schedules on weekends. i wondered if you observed that in your work and if you can comment on that. >> it's really a huge issue especially for adolescents because there's this biological press