military governor of tennessee and becomes a vice president shortly after the war is over, and then carson brownlow who had spent part of his youth in the lands near knoxville and becomes a leading unionist leader as well. so you have a political situation in the immediate aftermath of the war, for all intents and purposes, all the state's unionist had any political voice. a combination of andrew johnson him and him and will a combination of andrew johnson in the white house and parson brownlow as the governor will help that for a brief period of time. the electorate is disenfranchised and the unionist majority has a stranglehold on the government, and they work very quickly to try and cooperate with federal policy that is being fashioned by washington, d.c. the centerpiece of that is as professor lovett was suggesting, the 14th amendment. every state who participated in the rebellion would have to agree to that in order to be enfolded again in the national government. nashville acted very quickly to do that, so tennessee is the first state to ratify the 14th amendment. and in so doing that, tennes