. -- cartwrithgt. ght. i will give you a couple more slides and try not to say anything over again. on this page, start. we expect the president in the next two days to sign with the russian president, the start treaty. if you look at the reductions, put together, they represent 65% reduction of operationally deployed strategic nuclear weapons since the end of the cold war. 75% reduction of deployed and non-deployed combination of the two. 8% reduction in the operational deployed launch vehicles. -- 80% reduction in the operational deployed launch vehicles. 1550 is the floor for deployed nuclear warheads. 700 for strategic nuclear delivery vehicles. that is a combination of launchers and the vehicles. a submarine which has multiple tubes counts as multiple vehicles. a bomber counts as one. an icbm counts as one. we have seven years to get to these targets that are deployed appear. the 800 number for strategic delivery vehicles is an additional 100 that are non- deployed. a submarine that is and refueling or come back and have the missiles reviewed -- removed does not actively count