cary goldstein is publicity directer, what are some of the books you've got coming out in later 2009? >> well, this summer we're publishing henry waxman's the waxman report in july. it's a look back at some of the landmark legislation that the congressman's been involved with, tobacco, clean air, nutritional labels, and what he does is he explains to us how coalitions are built, how bills get moved from subcommittees to the committees, how you collect votes, and it's really a look at how the sausage is made. and, of course, the congressman's got a couple big bills this summer, so we expect a lot of attention from that. >> did you approach henry waxman, or did he approach you sh. >> our publisher approached the congressman and thought he would be the perfect person to explain, and i should add that josh green from atlanta monthly has written it with the congressman and done a fantastic job. >> another book by peter peterson. >> he's lived a fairly phenomenal life. he was born in 1926, raised by greek immigrants, was born into the depression era in nebraska, found himself the secretary