cary shulman coulden be here, but from grants from the art is con wong >> as mr. wong is being set up i know our city attorney probably has advice for us about hotel tax fund resources and how the city allocates those resources and i'm wondering if mr. [inaudible] could give a comment about that >> sure. [inaudible] the office advised the board a cual years ago about various law suits involving the hotel tax. the specific answer for arts funding is the hotel tax isn't specifically allocated for arts funding. that funding comes from the general fund and as howard mentioned the amount of the fundsing is a discretionary decision for the board and mayor. it is based on a large number of factors including the amount of revenue coming into the general fund >> thank you mr. wong >> thank you for having me. good afternoon supervisors and chairman. my name is con wong and senior program manager for grants the arts. i would like to acknowledge a few of my colleagues here. [inaudible] pointing them out because should a question be posed i don't know the answer to one of them