been screened in international best polls and can now also be seen at the exhibition by house of casa turk and you know most every color bag star 20 sell some gold 33 pounds of gold diamonds given to me by the world. i know the names of the cardassian better than i know the names of my neighbors. after so many years working with the super rich greenfield knows for a fact that money can't buy you happiness. the inner void that luxury is meant to fill is a bottomless pit. which comes across loud and clear in the pictures. capitalism feeds and thrives. on people feeling alas that what we see in many of these stories and in the film is that people are using things to fill an emptiness to fill of void that unfortunately money sacks image brands fill in the blank cannot fill 50 had always wanted to be rich and famous but she burst into tears when she saw her photo. greenfield subjects have paid a high price to be who they are. the sell out of values could not be portrayed more poignantly. but it's sad that the desolation of global capitalism can also be so entertaining. for more guilty pleasures