host: casey burgat joins us of the new book "we hold these 'truths'," with, you will notice, "truths" in quotation marks. with the subtitle "how to spot the myths that are holding america back." what are mixed or even outright lies? guest: where do we begin? i appreciate the emphasis on the close. there are a lot of myths we fall for on accident, and sometimes they are put on is on purpose by politicians, the lobbyists, they all matter. so the myths are premeeting our systems from the courts, campaign finance, what members of congress dukem of the filibuster term limits come as a wide list. where do you want to start? we will jump in. host: give us an example of one of the myths. guest: term limits, to kick out members of congress after a certain period of time, just will empower the wrong people, right? if you are frustrated that the president is to power, lobbyists are to power, term limits will exacerbate that power dynamic and polarization all at the same time, so stop wanting it. host: another myth yo