he calls them "his ladies," and they are tucked between his rows of vegetables. >> casey o'neill: all cannabis in this row is strawberry valley. we've got chard. >> alfonsi: o'neill, who spent time in jail for cultivating marijuana before it was legal, was one of the first to get a license after prop-64 passed. >> o'neill: i grow cannabis because i really love it. i like to consume it. i like to be around it. it's something that provides my being and consciousness with tremendous love and support. >> alfonsi: but his "being and consciousness" is getting strangled by red tape and a laundry list of requirements that don't make sense to growers-- like weighing marijuana leaves, which is the part of the plant you don't smoke and can't get you high. >> o'neill: i must take all of the leaf that comes off the plant. i must weigh it, i must record the weight, and i must put it in a locked compost facility. so it's just, like, big brother has some funny ideas. >> alfonsi: because what's the worry with the leaves? >> o'neill: that's-- it-- it-- it's-- and it's-- >> alfonsi: if you can't smoke t