we will now hear from mister casey randolph. casey rando, please go ahead. one moment.casey rando, please go ahead. okay, we will go back to the caller. >> caller: can you hear me? my name is casey rando, good evening. i'mnext-door neighbor to the developer and i live at 4302 17 . i submitted a written opposition to the appeal to you on behalf of myself and my husband and i'm here to reenter that opposition and underscore myargument . first it's not clear why we're even here. the developer really hasn't shown to me why or shown to us why he's met the standard of review. as i stated in my email he hasn't shown that there's extraordinary circumstances that exist and re-hearing his meant to prevent manifest injusticeor different circumstances that have arisen . i just am not sure what he thinks you all need to review. second, the developer has not shown why he qualifies for a variance . i won't go into it because i do believe mister t stole my thunder so i appreciate his concise and excellent testimony tonight. third, the developer has marketed this project for a very long