for casey sheehan -- and 4,000 fallen. president mazzucco: thank you. >> you wouldn't grant this on behalf of cindy sheehan who has been nixed by the entire media? president mazzucco: next speaker. relevant to the police department. >> totally relevant. the strike started right here, sir. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> general strike, maybe 9, sacramento, thank you. >> good evening, commissioners, chief, director. my nflpa is ann grogan. -- my name is ann grogan. a troublesome bunlt deficit as we all -- budget deficit as we all know but many of us common citizens that think we can do a lot to help. and we can avoid calling upon our scarce policing resources by taking care of ourselves and preventing ourselves from being victimized. along those lines, i personally advise neighbors in my neighborhood, people in my neighborhood to put down their cells and quit texting until they reach their destination. we're here tonight to invite the commissioners, the chief, and the director, to a safety awareness and self-defense cla