. >> my name is stefhano, castalato and our firm is working closely with choy and the police department, this operator was under close scrutiny and from the entertainment commission. they got in trouble when they had poor communication and now the communication lines are excellent. they got in trouble when they hired outside promoters and now they do their internal promotions themselves. they got in trouble when they were booking reggie acts with outside promosters and they have discontinued all with the outside promosters for the most part. what they have done instead of becoming a poor example they have become a model example and this commission put strong restrictions along with the police department because of the public safety issue and those were justified. what we want to do now is to say after an 8-month period is to lift some of those restrictions that pose hardships because, they have earned it and they are not going in and they are going to turn back into their bad ways because their model has been adjusted and changed the name of the venue, they are moving away from the rock