my entire relationship with jordan catalano, every minute of it has completely sucked and now its over. i should've just had sex with him." dane's love interest was played by teen heartthrob and future oscar winner, jared leto. "i would say that it's a show that talks to you like you're a person ... and that doesn't treat you like you're inept." "if something happens it doesn't always have a solution you know -- which is more like life, you know." cruz, who played dane's best friend, rickie vasquez, was the first openly gay teenager on primetime television. the show would end upaunching danes' career, but it came with a price. "i never have a break so i don't know. you know, if i'm not working i'm in school and if i'm not in school, i'm working and i'm always being tugged from place to place. you know, 'claire we need you. claire we need you. claire you want to go to make up? claire you wanna?' no, i don't but you know i have to say i love everyone on the set so much and it just makes this craziness possible." in january 1995, danes' hard work paid off when she took home a golden globe