thahat insurance policy, we neneed to be focusing on some of those potential, more extreme e catastrophphic outcom. the ipcc c systematically downplays those outcomes, then it dodoesn't serve that larger process of societal risk assessment as it should. >> if the changes are becoming so visible, whyhy isn't the p pc more readily accepting climate change as reaeality? >>> unfortunately,y, one of the lessons of sort of thehe battles over envivironmenl protection in the u.s. this century is that unfortunately a proroblem often has to reach crisis proportions before policymakers are w willing to a, often because there are vested intereststs who are lobbying heavily for actions not to be tataken. and this was thhe case, for example, with acid rain where, you know, we committed to far worse environmental impacts of acid rain than we should have bebecause the coal industryry, e emissions were causing acid rain, fought back fiercely against any policy action to deal with it. ozone depletion. once again, it took us s decades to act. we knew that the problem existed b back, you know, in the early 1970s. i i