i would like to echo director catena's guidance with regard to attention to the projects that improve safety in school zones. >> i think there is nothing more important than protecting the children of san francisco among many important things that this plan addresses i would like to take a few minutes and and talk about motorists which i include myself in that category. i also i also ride a bike and i ride muni and and i think that a lot of the public comment highlights that there isn't one group versus another group we all belong to many groups and we have different opinions about how how we should move forward to protect both safety and convenience for everybody as they get around on all the different modes of transportation that the are available in the city. >> so i would like to take a few minutes and talk about motorists and and i wonder if maya or christie maybe you could spend a few minutes and talk about well first we're going to talk about the pleasant parts and then i'd like to touch on some one of the one of the biggest concerns that i think we need to address more forthri