first, catharine macaulay publishes an eight-volume history of england. and they are political thinkers, and they are political actors. and interestingly, they are talking about a document that does not really consider them. right? i mean, this is extraordinary. they are not household names, like you said, they are not. they ought to be. andthey ought to be. i think it is part of the reason and why we selected this document, but also to say that , you know she talks to people , who have political disagreements from her own. and she corresponds with federalists. she ends up upsetting john adams, but everybody upsets john adams, because she does not paint him very sympathetically in her history of the american revolution. but it is significant that he cares what she says. it is significant that her opinion, narrative, any kind of -- that her opinion merited any kind of emotional response, or response at all, and i don't feel like we could move off that document without making note of how extraordinary that is, especially given how long women would wait for