to this day, but remain active, the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary, located in the very center of the city, is a striking example of this. the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary, or the former franciscan church, is the main temple of the pinsk catholic diocese has the status of a cathedral, as well as the title: and grew to establish here such a large monastery for the franciscans, and then at the end of the 1380s on the beginning. the next such important stages in the history of the city of pinsk was that the very beginning 16 hundred years ago there were many healthy pajars, and cathedrals, monasteries, which were a bunch of draulins, and the greatest honors were pashkodzhany. at the top of this fire, it was raised so that it was not necessary to install the stone castles and cloisters, but to install the stone ones, from the gates, so as not to be afraid of the fire. as early as 1510, as chronicles tell, there was already a great beginning of the monastery, the monastic monastery and the local monastic monastery. we can say what the clock is. just now, francis karyna and praza issues the first bible, the first h