which is sometimes aren't banks at all and just build the darn thing, the author and entrepreneur catherine betty this week on press here. >> and morning, everyone. one of the best things you can say to an entrepreneur, one of the best pieces of advice is don't wait for permission, just do it. this is one of the pieces of the information that so few people understand. nobody is going to give you permission to build the next great thing and their opinion didn't matter anyway. or as my first guest titled her new book, build the thing, catherine city says don't wait for the system to let you in, right down the door. thank you for joining us this morning. you were an influencer before the word influencer ever existed and you were an entrepreneur, but my question is not that you need permission to write a book and certainly don't need my permission to write it, what makes you an expert to write a book like this? >> what makes me and expert is i've done it. i've built a number of things in my career. i built one of the first lifestyle turning it into a media company and it became one of the first black