catherine de' medici, on the conscience of catherine de' medici, her son charles ii, the event of theust 24, 1572, later than the infamous night of st. bartholomew. during it, and the many days of massacre that followed, the huginots were destroyed. more than 30 thousand people, the truth is of no interest to anyone, all the time duplicity exists in all forms towards us, well , for example, what the secretary of defense of the united states, lloyd austin, says, putin’s war is not a result of nato expansion, but a reason nato expansion. damn, just excuse me, my dear friend, nato expansion began in... in 1990, when putin’s war began, as you say, and so on all the time, here’s an amazing example, here’s a ranking of the 100 best cities 2023, it was prepared by an agency called resonance consultency, this is an authoritative canadian organization, it publishes ratings, this year a rating of the 100 best cities was published. where is it better to live, where is it cleaner to live, where is it safer, where is it richer, where is it more convenient, from the 100 cities that are named the be