presentation by catherine kudlick, director and emily beitiks, associate francisco state university. public comment is welcome. item 9. public comment. items not on today's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. each speaker is limited to three minutes. please approach the microphone for give your comment card to the mod staff. item 10. information item. correspondence. item 11, discussion item. council member comments and announcements. item 12, adjournment. >> thank you, heather. i'm going to ask for motion for approving of today's agenda. >> i move that the minutes be approved. >> thank you, co-chair blacksten. all in favor? okay. go ahead and approve the minutes. sei so we're going to move onto agenda number 3, public comment, items not on today's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. i believe we have a speaker card. >> actually, two. the first speaker is eileen. >> good afternoon, thank you for this opportunity to bring to your attention a problem my family is facing with the city planning department. my husband and i have three ch