arnie degen, assistant secretary for civil rights catherine lehman and the oscar-winning actor morgan freeman. it's also available on the website. they join forces with hhs and dark doj sister agencies the civil right division, community relations services and the office of community oriented policing services for a webinar on preventing bullying of and discrimination against muslim youth. oj jvp will follow up a webinar to that next month. we have over 14 webinars on bullying at our online university. the materials from these webinars is available through our national trade and technical assistance center. finally, the national institute of justice, doj's research development and evaluation agency has funded research on teen dating violence as part of the violence against women act since 2008, and several other programs examining the relationship between bullying and teen dating violence. that was a lot of information. my head is a little full. the harmful effects of bullying cannot be overstated. is a complex social and emotional phenomenon that affects far too many children and far